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Title: Forest Resources of the United States, 1997

Author: Smith, W. Brad; Vissage, John S.; Darr, David R.; Sheffield, Raymond M.

Year: 2001

Publication: General Technical Report NC-219. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station

Abstract: Forest resource statistics from the 1987 Resources Planning Act (RPA) Assessment were updated to 1997 to provide current information on the Nation`s forests. Resource tables present estimates of forest area, volume, mortality, growth, removals, and timber products output in various ways, such as by ownership, region, or State. Current resource data are analyzed and trends since 1987 are noted. Resource trends are placed within the context of changes in the timber resources since 1953. A fold-out forest type map produced from satellite imagery provides a visual display of the location of forest land.

Last Modified: 8/11/2006

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