Observation of the Forbidden Magnetic Dipole Transition 6{sup 2}P{sub ½} --> 7{sup 2}P{sub ½} in Atomic Thallium; Chu, S.; December 15, 2008; LBL-5731; ACC0284![]() Infinite Multiplets; Nambu, Y.; November 17, 2008; COO--264-403; EFINS--67-80; ACC0280 Soft Pion Processes; Nambu, Y.; November 17, 2008; COO--264-421; EFI--68-11; ACC0279 Research in the Theory of Condensed Matter and Elementary Particles: Final Report, September 1, 1984 - November 30, 1987; Friedan, D.; Kadanoff, L.; Nambu, Y.; Shenker, S.; November 17, 2008; DOE/ER/45144-2; ACC0278 Remarks on the Topology of Gauge Fields; Nambu, Y.; November 17, 2008; SLAC-PUB-2089; ACC0277 Lectures on Chiral Symmetries and Soft Pion Processes; Nambu, Y.; November 17, 2008; EFINS--66-107; ACC0276 Triplets, Static SU(6), and Spontaneously Broken Chiral SU(3) Symmetry; Nambu, Y.; November 17, 2008; COO-264-308; EFINS-66-19; ACC0275 Broken SU(3) x SU(3) x SU(3) x SU(3) Symmetry; Freund, P. G. O.; Nambu, Y.; November 17, 2008; COO-264-219; EFINS-64-53; ACC0274 Self-consistent Models of Strong Interaction with Chiral Symmetry; Nambu, Y.; Pascual, P.; November 17, 2008; EFINS-63-25; ACC0273 Three-Triplet Model with Double SU(3) Symmetry; Han, M. Y.; Nambu, Y.; November 17, 2008; NYO-3399-31; ACC0272 Emission Computed Tomography: A New Technique for the Quantitative Physiologic Study of Brain and Heart in Vivo; Phelps, M. E.; Hoffman, E. J.; Huang, S. C.; Schelbert, H. R.; Kuhl, D. E.; October 16, 2008; UCLA-12-1176; ACC0271 ECAT: A New Computerized Tomographic Imaging System for Position-Emitting Radiopharmaceuticals; Phelps, M. E.; Hoffman, E. J.; Huang, S. C.; Kuhl, D. E.; October 16, 2008; UCLA-12-1132; ACC0270 Axial Tomography from Digitized Real Time Radiography; Zolnay, A. S.; McDonald, W. M.; Doupont, P. A.; McKinney, R. L.; Lee, M. M.; October 16, 2008; UCRL-92005; ACC0269 Fundamental Concepts of Digital Image Processing; Twogood, R. E.; October 16, 2008; UCRL-88952; ACC0268 Computed Tomography Status; Hansche, B. D.; October 16, 2008; SAND-83-2326C; ACC0267 Advances in Diagnostic Instrumentation; Perez-Mendez, V.; October 16, 2008; LBL-9892; ACC0266 Application of Electron-Transfer Theory to Several Systems of Biological Interest; Marcus, R. A.; Sutin, N.; August 21, 2008; BNL-36836; ACC0265 Generalization of the Activated Complex Theory of Reaction Rates. I. Quantum Mechanical Treatment; Marcus, R. A.; August 21, 2008; BNL-8127; ACC0264 Generalization of the Activated Complex Theory of Reaction Rates. II. Classical Mechanical Treatment; Marcus, R. A.; August 21, 2008; BNL-8205; ACC0263 On the Theory of Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Involving Electron Transfer. V. Comparison and Properties of Electrochemical and Chemical Rate Constants; Marcus, R. A.; August 21, 2008; BNL-6422; ACC0262 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Gel-cast Ceramic Composites; Dieckman, S. L.; Balss, K. M.; Waterfield, L. G.; Jendrzejczyk, J. A.; Raptis, A. C.; June 24, 2008; ANL/ET/CP--91636 ; ACC0261 Oil Recovery Enhancement from Fractured, Low Permeability Reservoirs. [Carbonated Water]; Poston, S. W.; June 24, 2008; DOE/BC/14444-14; ACC0260 Multiple-energy Techniques in Industrial Computerized Tomography; Schneberk, D.; Martz, H.; Azevedo, S.; June 24, 2008; UCRL-JC-103762; ACC0259 An NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Investigation of the Chemical Association and Molecular Dynamics in Asphalt Ridge Tar Sand Ore and Bitumen; Netzel, D. A.; Coover, P. T.; June 24, 2008; DOE/FE/60177-2452; ACC0258 Non-destructive Ripeness Sensing by Using Proton NMR [Nuclear Magnetic Resonance]; Cho, Seong In; Krutz, G. W.; Stroshine, R. L.; Bellon, V.; June 24, 2008; EGG-M-90457; ACC0257 Use of Computed X-ray Tomographic Data for Analyzing the Thermodynamics of a Dissociating Porous Sand/Hydrate Mixture; Freifeld, Barry M.; Kneafsey, Timothy J.; Tomutsa, Liviu; Stern, Laura A.; Kirby, Stephen H.; June 24, 2008; LBNL--49859; ACC0256 Spin-mapping of Coal Structures with ESE and ENDOR; Belford, R. L.; Clarkson, R. B.; June 24, 2008; DOE/PC/88921-5; ACC0255 Historic Patterns of CO{sub 2} Emissions from Fossil Fuels: Implications for Stabilization of Emissions; Andres, R. J.; Marland, G.; April 28, 2008; CONF-940632--25; ACC0254 CO{sub 2} Emission Calculations and Trends; Boden, T. A.; Marland, G.; Andres, R. J.; April 28, 2008; CONF-9506112--4; ACC0253 Global Climate Change: Some Implications, Opportunities, and Challenges for US Forestry; Marland, G.; April 28, 2008; CONF-9106396-1; ACC0252 International Impacts of Global Climate Change: Testimony to House Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs; Fulkerson, W.; Cushman, R. M.; Marland, G.; Rayner, S.; April 28, 2008; ORNL/TM-11184; ACC0251 Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and the Global Carbon Cycle: The Key Uncertainties; Peng, T. H.; Post, W. M.; DeAngelis, D. L.; Dale, V. H.; Farrell, M. P.; April 28, 2008; CONF-871204-4; ACC0250 Integrated Assessment and the Relation Between Land-Use Change and Climate Change; Dale, V. H.; April 28, 2008; CONF-9410306--1; ACC0248 Formulating Energy Policies Related to Fossil Fuel Use: Critical Uncertainties in the Global Carbon Cycle; Post, W. M.; Dale, V. H.; DeAngelis, D. L.; Mann, L. K.; Mulholland, P. J.; O`Neill, R. V.; Peng, T. -H.; Farrell, M. P.; April 28, 2008; CONF-900255-1; ACC0249 Assessing Impacts of Climate Change on Forests: The State of Biological Modeling; Dale, V. H.; Rauscher, H. M.; April 28, 2008; CONF-9302127--1; ACC0247 Positron Emission Tomography of the Heart; Schelbert, H. R.; Phelps, M. E.; Kuhl, D. E.; February 26, 2008; UCLA-12-1232; ACC0246 Positron Emission Tomography (PET); Welch, M. J.; February 26, 2008; DOE/ER/60763-1; ACC0245 High-resolution PET [Positron Emission Tomography] for Medical Science Studies; Budinger, T. F.; Derenzo, S. E.; Huesman, R. H.; Jagust, W. J.; Valk, P. E.; February 26, 2008; LBL-PUB-659-9/89; ACC0244 The Heritage of Radiotracers for PET; Fowler, J. S.; Wolf, A. P.; February 26, 2008; BNL-41807; ACC0243 Radiopharmaceuticals in PET, Progress and Promise; Wolf, A. P.; Fowler, J. S.; February 26, 2008; BNL-41981; ACC0242 Recent Developments in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Instrumentation; Derenzo, S. E.; Budinger, T. F.; February 26, 2008; LBL-21556; ACC0241 Advanced Instrumentation for Positron Emission Tomography [PET]; Derenzo, S. E.; Budinger, T. F.; February 26, 2008; LBL-19435; ACC0240 Distributed Microprocessor Automation Network for Synthesizing Radiotracers Used in Positron Emission Tomography [PET]; Russell, J. A. G.; Alexoff, D. L.; Wolf, A. P.; February 26, 2008; BNL-36938; ACC0239 Dynamic Positron Emission Tomography [PET] in Man Using Small Bismuth Germanate Crystals; Derenzo, S. E.; Budinger, T. F.; Huesman, R. H.; Cahoon, J. L.; February 26, 2008; LBL-14308; ACC0238 Positron Computed Tomography: Current State, Clinical Results and Future Trends; Schelbert, H. R.; Phelps, M. E.; Kuhl, D. E.; February 26, 2008; UCLA-12-1258; ACC0237 Positron Scanner for Brain Tumors; Robertson, J. S.; Bozzo, S. R.; February 26, 2008; BNL-9911; ACC0236 Positron Scanner for Locating Brain Tumors; Rankowitz, S.; Robertson, J. S.; Higinbotham, W. A.; Rosenblum, M. J.; February 26, 2008; BNL-6041; ACC0235 Science and Technology Review, July-August 1998: Celebrating Edward Teller at 90; Smart, J.; December 12, 2007; UCRL-52000-98-7-8; ACC0234 Active Climate Stabilization: Practical Physics-Based Approaches to Prevention of Climate Change; Teller, E.; Hyde, T.; Wood, L.; December 12, 2007; UCRL-JC-148012; ACC0233 Long Range Weather Prediction III: Miniaturized Distributed Sensors for Global Atmospheric Measurements; Teller, E.; Leith, C.; Canavan, G.; Wood, L.; December 12, 2007; UCRL-JC-146204-PT-3; ACC0232 Toward Robust Climate Baselining: Objective Assessment of Climate Change Using Widely Distributed Miniaturized Sensors for Accurate World-Wide Geophysical Measurements; Teller, E.; Leith, C.; Canavan, G.; Marion, J.; Wood, L.; December 12, 2007; UCRL-JC-146203; ACC0231 Long-range Weather Prediction and Prevention of Climate Catastrophes: A Status Report; Caldeira, K.; Caravan, G.; Govindasamy, B.; Grossman, A.; Hyde, R.; Ishikawa, M.; Ledebuhr, A.; Leith, C.; Molenkamp, C.; Teller, E.; Wood, L.; December 12, 2007; UCRL-JC-135414; ACC0230 Global Warming and Ice Ages: I. Prospects For Physics Based Modulation of Global Change; Teller, E.; Wood, L.; Hyde, R.; December 12, 2007; UCRL-JC--128715; ACC0229 Jahn-Teller Effect: Its History and Applicability; Teller, E.; December 12, 2007; UCRL-87544; ACC0228 Some Recent Developments in Treatment Planning Software and Methodology for BNCT; Nigg, D. W.; Wheeler, F. J.; Wessol, D. E.; et al.; August 15, 2007; BNL--64624; ACC0227 Feasibility of the Utilization of BNCT in the Fast Neutron Therapy Beam at Fermilab; Langen, Katja; Lennox, Arlene J.; Kroc, Thomas K.; DeLuca, Jr., Paul M.; August 15, 2007; FERMILAB-TM-2118; ACC0226 Hadron Cancer Therapy: Role of Nuclear Reactions; Chadwick, M. B.; August 15, 2007; LA-UR-00-2869; ACC0225 Accelerators for Cancer Therapy; Lennox, Arlene J.; August 15, 2007; FERMILAB-Conf-00/139; ACC0224 Isotopic Studies on Structure-function Relationships of Nucleic Acids and Enzymes. Three Year Progress Report, May 1972 -- October 1975; Boyer, P. D.; July 20, 2007; UCLA--34P102-53; ACC0223 Experimental Survey of Strange Particle Decays; Steinberger, J.; July 20, 2007; NEVIS-125; ACC0222 Further Results on the Production of Neutral Mesons by Photons; Panofsky, W. K. H.; Steinberger, J.; Steller, J.; July 20, 2007; UCRL-1495; ACC0221 Evidence for the Production of Neutral Mesons by Photons; Steinberger, J.; Panofsky, W. K. H.; Steller, J.; July 17, 2007; UCRL-674; ACC0220 The Detection of Artificially Produced Photomesons with Counters; Steinberger, J; Bishop, A. S.; July 20, 2007; UCRL-631; ACC0219 Analytical Chemistry and Measurement Science: (What Has DOE Done for Analytical Chemistry?); Shults, W. D.; July 17, 2007; CONF-8904181-1; ACC0218 The Winds of (Evolutionary) Change: Breathing New Life into Microbiology; Olsen, G. J. ; Woese, C. R; Overbeek, R. A.; June 04, 2007; MCS--P402-1293; ACC0217 Chaperonin Polymers in Archaea: The Cytoskeleton of Prokaryotes?; Trent, J. D.; Kagawa, H. K.; Zaluzec, N. J.; June 04, 2007; ANL/CMB/PP--88274; ACC0216 Identification of Methanococcus Jannaschii Proteins in 2-D Gel Electrophoresis Patterns by Mass Spectrometry; Liang, X.; June 04, 2007; ANL/CMB/CP-95616; ACC0215 A Review of Acquired Thermotolerance, Heat Shock Proteins, and Molecular Chaperones in Archaea: Heat Shock in Archaea; Trent, J. D.; June 04, 2007; ANL/CMB/CP--89216; ACC0214 Microbial Ecology of Thermophilic Anaerobic Digestion. Final Report; Zinder, Stephen H.; June 04, 2007; ; ACC0213 Berkeley Proton Linear Accelerator; Alvarez, L. W.; Bradner, H.; Franck, J.; Gordon, H.; Gow, J. D.; Marshall, L. C.; Oppenheimer, F. F.; Panofsky, W. K. H.; Richman, C.; Woodyard, J. R.; May 02, 2007; AECU 120(rev.); ACC0212 High-energy Physics with Hydrogen Bubble Chambers; Alvarez, L. W.; May 02, 2007; A/CONF.15/P/729; ACC0211 LRL 25-inch Bubble Chamber; Alvarez, L. W.; Gow, J. D.; Barrera, F.; Eckman, G.; Shand, J.; Watt, R.; Norgren, D.; Hernandez, H. P.; May 02, 2007; UCRL 11521; ACC0210 Early Days of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry; Alvarez, L. W.; May 02, 2007; LBL-12846; ACC0209 History of Proton Linear Accelerators; Alvarez, L. W.; May 02, 2007; LBL 22554 Rev.; ACC0208 Serving the Nation for Fifty Years: 1952 - 2002 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory [LLNL], Fifty Years of Accomplishments; ; April 19, 2007; UCRL-AR-148833; ACC0207 Fifty Years of Progress, 1937-1987 [Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL, LBNL)]; Budinger, T. F. (ed.); April 02, 2007; LBL-PUB-268; ACC0206 Frontiers: Research Highlights 1946-1996 [50th Anniversary Edition. Argonne National Laboratory]; ; April 02, 2007; ; ACC0204 Los Alamos Science, Number 25 -- 1997: Celebrating the Neutrino; Cooper, N. G. [ed.]; April 02, 2007; LA-UR--97-2534; ACC0203 The Top Quark, QCD, And New Physics.; Dawson, S.; March 21, 2007; BNL--71205-2003-CP; ACC0202 CDF Top Physics; Tartarelli, G. F.; CDF Collaboration; March 21, 2007; FERMILAB-Conf--96/099-E; ACC0201 Observation of the Top Quark; Kim, S. B.; March 21, 2007; FNAL/C--95/276-E; ACC0200 OUT Success Stories: Solar Roofing Shingles; Johnson, N.; February 17, 2007; NREL/FS-330-23700; ACC0198 OUT Success Stories: Solar Hot Water Technology; Clyne, R.; February 17, 2007; NREL/FS-330-23668; ACC0197 OUT Success Stories: Solar Trough (sic) Power Plants; Jones, J.; February 17, 2007; NREL/FS-330-23671; ACC0196 OUT Success Stories: Advanced Airfoils for Wind Turbines; Jones, J.; Green, B.; February 17, 2007; NREL/FS-330-23696; ACC0195 40 Years of Discovery [Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)]; Weinstein, B.; Heller, A.; February 17, 2007; UCRL-ID-153931; ACC0194 Energy Capture and Use in Plants and Bacteria. Final Technical Report; Boyer, P. D.; February 05, 2007; DOE/ER/13845--T3; ACC0193 Occurrence and Characteristics of a Rapid Exchange of Phosphate Oxygens Catalyzed by Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Vesicles; Kanazawa, T.; Boyer, P. D.; February 05, 2007; UCLA--34-P-102-35; ACC0192 Occurrence and Characteristics of {sup 18}O-exchange Reactions Catalyzed By Sodium- and Potassium-dependent Adenosine Triphosphatases; Dahms, A. S.; Boyer, P. D.; February 05, 2007; UCLA--34-P-102-36; ACC0191 Building Design Guidelines for Solar Energy Technologies; Givoni, B.; December 21, 2006; DOE/SF/17538-T3; ACC0190 Solar Energy and Your Home: Questions and Answers; ; December 21, 2006; DOE/CE-0068; ACC0189 Solar Air Collectors: How Much Can You Save?; Newburn, J. D.; December 21, 2006; DOE/CS/69097-T2; ACC0187 MAXIMA-1: A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy on Angular Scales of 10' to 5 degrees; Ade, P.; Balbi, A.; Bock, J.; Borrill, J.; Boscaleri, A.; de Bernardis, P.; Ferreira, P. G.; Hanany, S.; Hristov, V. V.; Jaffe, A. H.; Lange, A. E.; Lee, A. T.; Mauskopf, P. D.; Netterfield, C. B.; Oh, S.; Pascale, E.; Rabii, B.; Richards, P. L.; Smoot, G. F.; Stompor, R.; Winant,C. D.; Wu, J. H. P.; November 02, 2006; LBNL--60038; ACC0186 An Analysis of Recent Measurements of the Temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation; Smoot, G.; Levin, S. M.; Witebsky, C.; De Amici, G.; Rephaeli, Y.; November 02, 2006; LBL--23781; ACC0185 New Measurements of the Cosmic Background Radiation Spectrum; Smoot, G. F.; De Amici, G.; Levin, S.; Witebsky, C.; November 02, 2006; LBL--18745; ACC0184 Low Frequency Measurement of the Spectrum of the Cosmic Background Radiation; Smoot, G. F.; De Amici, G.; Friedman, S. D.; Witebsky, C.; Mandolesi, N.; Partridge, R. B.; Sironi, G.; Danese, L.; De Zotti, G.; November 02, 2006; LBL--16181; ACC0183 Large-Angular-Scale Anisotropy in the Cosmic Background Radiation; Gorenstein, M. V.; Smoot, G. F.; November 02, 2006; LBL--10964; ACC0182 Search for Linear Polarization of the Cosmic Background Radiation; Lubin, P. M.; Smoot, G. F.; November 02, 2006; LBL--8266; ACC0181 Thin-film Rechargeable Lithium Batteries for Implantable Devices; Bates, J. B.; Dudney, N. J.; October 03, 2006; CONF-9705122--1; ACC0180 Thin-film Rechargeable Lithium Batteries; Dudney, N. J.; Bates, J. B.; Lubben, D.; October 03, 2006; CONF-950401--24; ACC0179 Thin-film Rechargeable Lithium Batteries; Bates, J. B.; Gruzalski, G. R.; Dudney, N. J.; Luck, C. F.; Yu, X.; October 03, 2006; CONF 9311115--4; ACC0178 Rechargeable Thin-film Lithium Batteries; Bates, J. B.; Gruzalski, G. R.; Dudney, N. J.; Luck, C. F.; Yu, Xiaohua; October 03, 2006; CONF-9308126--4; ACC0177 Medical Applications of Non-Medical Research: Applications Derived from BES-Supported Research and Research at BES Facilities; ; September 26, 2006; ; ACC0176 Neutral-current x-distributions; Friedman, J. I.; Kendall, H. W.; Bogert, D.; Burnstein, R.; Fisk, R.; Fuess, S.; Bofill, J.; Busza, W.; Eldridge, T.; Abolins, M.; Brock, R.; et al.; August 18, 2006; DOE/ER/05023 3; ACC0175 Deep Inelastic Electron Scattering: Experimental; Friedman, J. I.; August 18, 2006; CONF 710637 3; ACC0174 Experimental Search for a Heavy Electron; Boley, C. D.; Elias, J. E.; Friedman, J. I.; Hartmann, G. C.; Kendall, H. W.; Kirk, P.N.; Sogard, M. R.; Van Speybroeck, L. P.; de Pagter, J. K.; August 18, 2006; MIT -- 2098-378; ACC0173 The Discovery of the Point Like Structure of Matter; Taylor, Richard E.; August 18, 2006; SLAC-PUB-8640; ACC0172 Nucleon Form Factors above 6 GeV; Taylor, R. E.; August 18, 2006; SLAC-PUB--372; ACC0171 A Diffusion Cloud Chamber Study of Very Slow Mesons. II. Beta Decay of the Muon; Lederman, L. M.; Sargent, C. P.; Rinehart, M.; Rogers, K.; July 14, 2006; NEVIS 7; ACC0170 Neutrino Physics; Lederman, L. M.; July 14, 2006; BNL 787; ACC0169 RTG Parametric Study. Report for the RTG study, Voyager Task C; Freedman, S.; Friedman, J.; Schmieder, J.; June 14, 2006; TID/SNG 7; ACC0168 TAGS 85/2N RTG Power for Viking Lander Capsule; ; June 14, 2006; INSD 2650 29; ACC0167 Power Supplies for Space Systems Quality Assurance by Sandia Laboratories; Hannigan, R. L.; Harnar, R. R.; June 14, 2006; SAND-76-0260; ACC0165 Operational Readiness Review Plan for the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Materials Production Tasks; Cooper, R. H.; Martin, M. M.; Riggs, C. R.; Beatty, R. L.; Ohriner, E. K.; Escher, R. N.; June 14, 2006; ORNL/M 1137; ACC0164 Cassini RTG Acceptance Test Results and RTG Performance on Galileo and Ulysses; Kelly, C. E.; Klee, P. M.; June 14, 2006; DOE/SF/18852 T77; ACC0163 GPHS RTGs in Support of the Cassini RTG Program. Final Technical Report, January 11, 1991 - April 30, 1998; ; June 14, 2006; DOE/SF/18852 T97; ACC0162 Transposable Elements and Genetic Instabilities in Crop Plants; Burr, B.; Burr, F.; February 15, 2006; BNL-30996; ACC0161 Movable Genetic Elements: Detection of Changes in Maize DNA at the Shrunken Locus Due to the Intervention of Ds Elements; Burr, B.; Burr, F.A.; February 15, 2006; BNL-28042; ACC0160 Status and Aims of the DUMAND Neutrino Project: the Ocean as a Neutrino Detector; Roberts, A.; Blood, H.; Learned, J.; Reines, F.; December 16, 2005; FERMILAB-Conf-76/59-EXP; ACC0159 Neutrino Experiments at Reactors; Reines, F.; Gurr, H. S.; Jenkins, T. L.; Munsee, J. H.; December 16, 2005; UCI--10-P-19-9; ACC0158 The Free Antineutrino Absorption Cross Section. Part I. Measurement of the Free Antineutrino Absorption Cross Section. Part II. Expected Cross Section from Measurements of Fission Fragment Electron Spectrum; Reines, F.; Cowan, C. L. Jr.; Carter, R. E.; Reines, F.; Wagner, J. J.; Wyman, M. E.; December 16, 2005; A/CONF.15/P/1026; ACC0157 On the Detection of the Free Neutrino; Reines, F.; Cowan, C. L., Jr.; December 16, 2005; AECD-3548; ACC0156 Perturbation Theory of Massive Yang-Mills Fields; Veltman, M.; December 08, 2005; IPNO/LA--68/28; ACC0155 Some Comments on the Decays of eta (550); Veltman, M.; Yellin, J.; December 08, 2005; BNL--10396; ACC0154 Controlled Synthesis of Polyenes by Catalytic Methods. Progress Report, December 1, 1992 -- November 30, 1993; Schrock, R. R.; November 01, 2005; DOE/ER/13564--12; ACC0153 Controlled Synthesis of Polyenes by Catalytic Methods. Progress Report, December 1, 1989 -- November 30, 1992; Schrock, R. R.; November 01, 2005; DOE/ER/13564--11; ACC0152 Chemistry of Bimetallic Linked Cyclopentadienyl Complexes: Progress Report, 1 December 1986 --30 November 1989; Schrock, R. R.; November 01, 2005; DOE/ER/13564-7; ACC0151 Reduction of Carbon Monoxide. Past Research Summary; Schrock, R. R.; November 01, 2005; DOE/ER/04949-1; ACC0150 The Magnitude of the Eta Effect; Wigner, E. P.; September 13, 2005; AECD-3856; ACC0149 On the Variation of Eta with Energy in the 100-1000 ev Region; Wigner, E. P.; September 13, 2005; BNL-25; ACC0148 Effect of the Temperature of the Moderator on the Velocity Distribution of Neutrons with Numerical Calculations for H as Moderator; Wigner, E. P.; Wilkins, J. E. Jr.; September 13, 2005; AECD-2275; ACC0147 On the Boundary Condition Between Two Multiplying Media; Friedman, F. L.; Wigner, E. P.; September 13, 2005; CP-1662; ACC0146 Recalculation of the Critical Size and Multiplication Constant of a Homogeneous UO{sub 2} - D{sub 2}O Mixtures; Wigner, E. P.; Weinberg, A. M.; Stephenson, J.; September 13, 2005; CP-1361; ACC0145 Solutions of Boltzmann`s Equation for Mono-energetic Neutrons in an Infinite Homogeneous Medium; Wigner, E. P.; September 13, 2005; AECD-3215; ACC0144 Radioactivity of the Cooling Water; Wigner, E. P.; September 13, 2005; CP-499; ACC0143 Absorption of Thermal Neutrons in Uranium; Creutz, E. C. ; Wilson, R. R. ; Wigner, E. P.; September 13, 2005; A-40; ACC0142 Helium, Iron and Electron Particle Transport and Energy Transport Studies on the TFTR Tokamak; Synakowski, E. J.; Efthimion, P. C.; Rewoldt, G.; Stratton, B. C.; Tang, W. M.; Grek, B.; Hill, K. W.; Hulse, R. A.; Johnson, D .W.; Mansfield, D. K.; McCune, D.; Mikkelsen, D. R.; Park, H. K.; Ramsey, A. T.; Redi, M. H.; Scott, S. D.; Taylor, G.; Timberlake, J.; Zarnstorff, M. C. (Princeton Univ., NJ (United States). Plasma Physics Lab.); Kissick, M. W. (Wisconsin Univ., Madison, WI (United States)); September 06, 2005; PPPL-2881; ACC0141 Power Radiated from ITER and CIT by Impurities; Cummings, J.; Cohen, S. A.; Hulse, R.; Post, D. E.; Redi, M. H.; Perkins, J.; September 06, 2005; PPPL-2702; ACC0140 High-resolution Bent-crystal Spectrometer for the Ultra-soft X-ray Region; Beiersdorfer, P.; von Goeler, S.; Bitter, M.; Hill, K. W.; Hulse, R. A.; Walling, R. S.; September 06, 2005; PPPL-2561; ACC0139 A Spectroscopic Study of Impurity Behavior in Neutral-beam and Ohmically Heated TFTR Discharges; Stratton, B. C.; Ramsey, A. T.; Boody, F. P.; Bush, C. E.; Fonck, R. J.; Groenbner, R. J.; Hulse, R. A.; Richards, R. K.; Schivell, J.; September 06, 2005; PPPL-2410; ACC0138 Numerical Studies of Impurities in Fusion Plasmas; Hulse, R. A.; September 06, 2005; PPPL-1917; ACC0137 Helium (3) Rich Solar Flares; Colgate, S. A.; Audouze, J.; Fowler, W. A.; August 12, 2005; LA-UR-77-1055; ACC0136 Integrated Flux Distributions in Neutron Capture in Stars; Seeger, P. A.; Fowler, W. A.; August 12, 2005; LA-DC-7442; ACC0135 Temperature and Density Conditions for Nucleogenesis by Fusion Processes in Stars; Fowler, W. A.; August 12, 2005; A/CONF.15/P/353; ACC0134 Status of Heavy-lepton Searches; Perl, M. L.; August 12, 2005; SLAC-PUB-2752; ACC0133 Review of Heavy Lepton Production in e{sup +}e{sup -} Annihilation; Perl, M. L.; August 12, 2005; SLAC-PUB-2022; ACC0132 Threshold and Other Properties of U Particle Production in e{sup +}e{sup -} Annihilation; Perl, M. L.; August 12, 2005; SLAC-PUB-1748; ACC0131 The Discovery of the Tau Lepton and the Changes in Elementary Particle Physics in 40 Years; Perl, M.; August 03, 2005; SLAC-PUB-10150; ACC0130 Eightfold-way Assignments for Y{sub 1}* (1660) and Other Baryons; Glashow, S. L.; Rosenfeld, A. H.; July 28, 2005; UCRL-10579; ACC0129 Gauge Theories of Vector Particles; Glashow, S. L.; Gell-Mann, M.; July 27, 2005; CTSL-28; ACC0128 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review, Vol. 25, Nos. 3 and 4, 1992 [The First Fifty Years]; Krause, C.(ed.); July 27, 2005; ; ACC0127 Law of Conservation of Muons; Feinberg, G.; Weinberg, S.; July 27, 2005; TID-14982; ACC0126 Research in Neutron Velocity Spectroscopy. Final Report; Rainwater, J.; June 06, 2005; TID-27236; ACC0125 Quasiparticle Aggregation in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect; Laughlin, R. B.; June 06, 2005; UCRL-91618; ACC0124 Excitons in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect; Laughlin, R. B.; June 06, 2005; UCRL-90790-Rev.1; ACC0123 Fractional Quantization of the Hall Effect; Laughlin, R. B.; June 06, 2005; UCRL-89743-Rev.1; ACC0122 Theory of the Knight Shift and Flux Quantization in Superconductors; Cooper, L. N.; Lee, H. J.; Schwartz, B. B.; Silvert, W.; May 17, 2005; TID-18658; ACC0121 Theory of Multiple Coulomb Scattering from Extended Nuclei; Cooper, L. N.; Rainwater, J.; May 17, 2005; NEVIS-4; ACC0120 Theoretical Studies of Magnetic Systems. Final Report, August 1, 1994 - November 30, 1997; Gor`kov, L. P.; Novotny, M. A.; Schrieffer, J. R.; May 17, 2005; DOE/ER/45518--T1; ACC0119 A High Vacuum High Speed Ion Pump; Foster, J. S. Jr.; Lawrence, E. O.; Lofgren, E. J.; May 06, 2005; UCRL-1930; ACC0118 Relativistic Quark Model as Representation of Current Algebra; Gell-Mann, M.; May 06, 2005; CALT--68-103; ACC0117 Current Algebra; Gell-Mann, M.; May 06, 2005; CALT--68-102; ACC0116 Octet Enhancement; Dashen, R.F.; Frautschi, S.C.; Gell-Mann, M.; Hara, Y.; May 06, 2005; CALT-68-2; ACC0115 Triplets and Triality; Gell-Mann, M.; May 06, 2005; CALT-68-8; ACC0114 The Eightfold Way: A Theory of Strong Interaction Symmetry; Gell-Mann, M.; May 06, 2005; TID-12608; ACC0113 The Theory of Quantized Fields. III; Schwinger, J.; April 13, 2005; NP-4565; ACC0112 On Angular Momentum; Schwinger, J.; April 13, 2005; NYO-3071; ACC0111 The Theory of Quantized Fields. II; Schwinger, J.; April 13, 2005; NP-4494; ACC0110 Effect of Tensor Range in Nuclear Two-Body Problems; Feshbach, H.; Schwinger, J.; Harr, J. A.; April 13, 2005; HUX-5; ACC0109 Dispersion of the Neutron Emission in U{sup 235} Fission; Feynman, R. P.; de Hoffmann, F.; Serber, R.; April 13, 2005; AECD-4223; ACC0108 Equations of State of Elements Based on the Generalized Fermi-Thomas Theory; Feynman, R. P.; Metropolis, N.; Teller, E.; April 13, 2005; AECD-2448; ACC0107 Neutron Diffusion in a Space Lattice of Fissionable and Absorbing Materials; Feynman, R. P.; Welton, T. A.; April 13, 2005; LA-603; ACC0106 A Theorem and its Application to Finite Tampers; Feynman, R. P.; April 13, 2005; LA-608; ACC0105 Fusion Hybrid Reactor; Bethe, H. A.; March 18, 2005; SAND-81-1265; ACC0104 Pauli Principle and Pion Scattering; Bethe, H. A.; March 18, 2005; LA--5052; ACC0103 Note on Inverse Bremsstrahlung in a Strong Electromagnetic Field; Bethe, H. A.; March 18, 2005; LA--5031; ACC0102 Three-body Problem in Nuclear Matter; Bethe, H. A.; Rajaraman, R.; March 18, 2005; TID--23736; ACC0101 Theoretical Estimate of Maximum Possible Nuclear Explosion; Bethe, H. A.; March 18, 2005; KAPL-294; ACC0100 Theory of High Frequency Rectification by Silicon Crystals; Bethe, H. A.; March 18, 2005; RL-184; ACC0099 Low Temperature and Neutron Physics Studies: Final Progress Report, March 1, 1986--May 31, 1987; Shull, C.G.; February 24, 2005; DOE/ER/03342-1; ACC0098 Polarized Neutron Studies on Antiferromagnetic Single Crystals: Technical Report No. 4; Nathans, R.; Riste, T.; Shirane, G.; Shull, C.G.; February 24, 2005; AFOSR-TR-58-1058; ACC0097 The Crystal Structure of Thorium and Zirconium Dihydrides by X-ray and Neutron Diffraction; Rundle, R.E.; Shull, C.G.; Wollan, E.O.; February 24, 2005; AECU-1275; ACC0096 Neutron Diffraction Studies; Shull, C.G.; Wollan, E.O.; Marney, M.C.; February 24, 2005; AECD-2359; ACC0095 Neutron Diffraction Analysis of NaH and NaD; Davidson, W. L.; Morton, G. A.; Shull, C. G.; Wollan, E. O.; February 24, 2005; MDDC842; ACC0094 The Diffraction of Neutrons by Crystalline Powders; Shull, C. G.; Wollan, E. O.; February 24, 2005; MDDC-869; ACC0093 Methods of Particle Detection for High-energy Physics Experiments; Bradner, H.; Glaser, D.A.; January 31, 2005; A/CONF.15/P/730(Rev.1); ACC0092 On the Analysis of Bubble Chamber Tracks; Bradner, H; Solmitz, F.; January 31, 2005; A/CONF.15/P/730; ACC0091 Calculations on Isotope Separation by Laser Induced Photodissociation of Polyatomic Molecules. Final Report; Lamb, W. E. Jr.; January 21, 2005; COO-4294-2; ACC0090 Research Directed at Developing a Classical Theory to Describe Isotope Separation of Polyatomic Molecules Illuminated by Intense Infrared Radiation. Final Report for period May 7, 1979 to September 30, 1979; Extension December 31, 1997; Lamb, W. E. Jr.; January 20, 2005; DOE/ET/33011-T1; ACC0089 Search for the Dirac Monopole with 30-bev Protons; Purcell, E.M.; Collins, G.B.; Fujii, T.; Hornbostel, J.; Turkot, F.; December 21, 2004; BNL-6506; ACC0088 Fission Spectrum; Bloch, F.; Staub, H.; December 21, 2004; AECD-3158; LADC-934; ACC0087 Inflationary Axion Cosmology; Wilczek, Frank; Turner, Michael S.; November 05, 2004; FERMILAB-Pub-90/198-A; ACC0086 Weak Interaction Models with New Quarks and Right-handed Currents; Wilczek, F. A.; Zee, A.; Kingsley, R. L.; Treiman, S. B.; November 05, 2004; FERMILAB-Pub-75/44-THY; ACC0085 Scaling Deviations for Neutrino Reactions in Aysmptotically Free Field Theories; Wilczek, F. A.; Zee, A.; Treiman, S. B.; November 05, 2004; COO--3072-32; ACC0084 Asymptotically Free Gauge Theories. I; Wilczek, Frank; Gross, David J.; November 05, 2004; NAL-PUB-73/49-THY; ACC0083 On Closed Shells in Nuclei. II; Mayer, M.G.; February 19, 2004; AECU-424; ACC0082 Electromagnetic Effects Due to Spin-orbit Coupling; Mayer, M.G.; Jansen, J.H.D.; February 10, 2004; AECU-1851; ACC0081 Nuclear Shell Structure and Beta Decay I. Odd A Nuclei II. Even A Nuclei; Mayer, M.G.; Moszkowski, S.A.; Nordheim, L.W.; January 28, 2004; ANL-4626; ACC0080 On Closed Shells in Nuclei; Mayer, M.G.; January 28, 2004; AECD-1818; ACC0079 Theory of High-{Tc} Superconducting Cuprates Based on Experimental Evidence; Abrikosov, A. A.; October 31, 2003; ANL/MSD/CP-100674; ACC0078 New Developments in the Theory of HTSC [High Temperature Superconductors]; Abrikosov, A.A.; October 31, 2003; ANL/MSD/PP--84430; ACC0077 Critical Amounts of Uranium Compounds; Konopinski, E.; Metropolis, N.; Teller, E.; Woods, L.; October 15, 2003; CF-548; ACC0076 Critical Dimensions of Water-tamped Slabs and Spheres of Active Material; Greuling, E.; Argo, H.: Chew, G.; Frankel, M. E.; Konopinski, E.J.; Marvin, C.; Teller, E.; October 15, 2003; LA-609; ACC0075 Peaceful Uses of Fusion; Teller, E.; October 15, 2003; UCRL-5257 (Rev.); ACC0074 Plowshare; Teller, E.; October 15, 2003; UCRL-7222; ACC0073 Proton Distribution in Heavy Nuclei; Johnson, M.H; Teller, E.; October 15, 2003; UCRL-4232; ACC0072 The First Weighing of Plutonium; Seaborg, Glenn T.; October 02, 2003; EDM-303; ACC0071 Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy: A Collection of Speeches; Seaborg, Glenn T.; October 02, 2003; ; ACC0070 60 Years of Great Science (Oak Ridge National Laboratory); ; May 02, 2003; ; ACC0069 Solar Neutrino Problem; Davis, R. Jr.; Evans, J. C.; Cleveland, B. T.; March 05, 2003; BNL-24629; ACC0068 Solar Neutrinos; Davis, R. Jr.; Harmer, D. S.; March 03, 2003; BNL-9093; ACC0067 Solar Neutrinos. II. Experimental; Davis, Raymond Jr.; December 17, 2002; BNL-7660; ACC0066 Search for Neutrinos from the Sun; Davis, Raymond Jr.; December 17, 2002; BNL--12981; ACC0065 Report on the Brookhaven Solar Neutrino Experiment; Davis, R. Jr.; Evans, J.C. Jr.; December 17, 2002; BNL-21837; ACC0064 Variations in the Solar Neutrino Flux; Davis, R. Jr.; Cleveland, B.T.; Rowley, J.K.; December 17, 2002; BNL-39602; ACC0063 Department of Energy 1977--1994: A summary history; Fehner, T.R.; Holl, J.M.; September 27, 2002; DOE/HR--0098; ACC0062 Converting Energy to Medical Progress [Nuclear Medicine] ; ; September 27, 2002; DOE/SC--0033 ; ACC0061 The nuclear Thomas-Fermi model; Myers, W.D.; Swiatecki, W.J.; September 11, 2002; LBL--36004; CONF-9409239--1; ACC0060 Dollars from Sense: The Economic Benefits of Renewable Energy; ; September 11, 2002; DOE/GO-10097-261; ACC0059 DOE Success Stories: The Energy Mission in the Marketplace; ; September 03, 2002; ; ACC0058 Supersonic bare metal cluster beams. Final report; Smalley, R.E.; July 26, 2002; DOE/ER/13429--9; ACC0057 Supersonic Bare Metal Cluster Beams. Technical Progress Report, March 16, 1984 - April 1, 1985; Smalley, R.E.; July 26, 2002; DOE/ER/06035-7; ACC0056 "Where is everybody?" An account of Fermi's question; Jones, E.M.; June 10, 2002; LA--10311-MS; ACC0055 100 years of elementary particles [Beam Line, vol. 27, issue 1, Spring 1997]; Pais, Abraham; Weinberg, Steven; Quigg, Chris; Riordan, Michael; Panofsky, Wolfgang K.H.; Trimble, Virginia; May 28, 2002; ; ACC0054 Frontiers of Chemistry for Americium and Curium; Keller, O.L. Jr.; February 13, 2002; CONF-841210--3; ACC0053 Transuranium Elements: a Half Century; Seaborg, G. T.; February 13, 2002; LBL--29445; CONF-900846-2; ACC0052 Symposium Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Discovery of Mendelevium; Seaborg, G.T. (ed.); February 13, 2002; LBL-11599; CONF-800362; ACC0051 The New Element Californium (Atomic Number 98); Seaborg, G.T.; Thompson, S.G.; Street, K. Jr.; Ghiroso, A.; February 11, 2002; UCRL-760; AECD-2885; ACC0050 The New Element Curium (Atomic Number 96); Seaborg, G.T.; James, R.A.; Ghiorso, A.; February 11, 2002; AECD-2182; ACC0049 The Transuranium Elements - Present Status: Nobel Lecture; Seaborg, G.T.; February 11, 2002; UCRL-1724; ACC0048 Chemical Properties of Elements 99 and 100 [Einsteinium and Fermium]; Seaborg, G.T.; Thompson, S.G.; Harvey, B.G.; Choppin, G.R.; February 11, 2002; UCRL-2591 (Rev.); ACC0047 The New Element Americium (Atomic Number 95); Seaborg, G.T.; James, R.A.; Morgan, L.O.; February 01, 2002; AECD-2185; ACC0046 The New Element Berkelium (Atomic Number 97); Seaborg, G.T.; Thompson, S.G.; Ghiorso, A.; January 17, 2002; UCRL-669; AECD-2880; ACC0045 The first reactor [40th anniversary commemorative edition].; ; July 25, 2001; DOE/NE--0046; ACC0044 The Future of Atomic Energy; Fermi, E.; June 14, 2001; MDDC--1; ACC0043 Taylor instability of incompressible liquids; Fermi, E.; June 14, 2001; AECU-2979; ACC0042 Studies of Nonlinear Problems. I; Fermi, E.; Pasta, J.; Ulam, S.; June 14, 2001; LA-1940; ACC0041 Neutron Physics. A revision of I. Halpern's notes on E. Fermi's lectures in 1945; Beckerley, J.G.; June 14, 2001; AECD-2664; ACC0040 Summary of the activities of the experimental section of the Nuclear Physics Division in the past month; Fermi, E.; June 14, 2001; CP-718; ACC0039 Establishing Site X: Letter, Arthur H. Compton to Enrico Fermi, September 14, 1942; Compton, A. H.; June 14, 2001; DOE--99003405; ACC0038 Energy systems based on polyacetylene: rechargeable batteries and Schottky barrier solar cells. Final report, March 1, 1981-February 29, 1984; MacDiarmid, A.G.; November 17, 2000; DOE/ER/10832--01; ACC0037 The workshop on conductive polymers: Final report; ; November 17, 2000; DOE/ER/45185--T1; ACC0036 Origins of the Human Genome Project; Cook-Deegan, Robert; September 14, 2000; DOE/ER/61577--T2; ACC0035 Human genome program report. Part 2, 1996 research abstracts; ; July 25, 2000; DOE/ER--0713(Pt.2); ACC0034 Primer on molecular genetics;DOE Human Genome Program; ; July 25, 2000; ORNL/M--2026; ACC0033 The EGS4 Code System: Solution of Gamma-ray and Electron Transport Problems; Nelson, W. R.; Namito, Yoshihito ; July 25, 2000; SLAC-PUB--5193; ACC0032 Human genome program report. Part 1, overview and progress; ; June 30, 2000; DOE/ER--0713(Pt.1); ACC0031 UV waterworks outreach support. Final report; Miller, P.; June 07, 2000; DOE/GO/10270--T1; ACC0030 Radium in humans: A review of U.S. studies.; Rowland, R. E.; May 08, 2000; ANL/ER--3; ACC0029 Particle substructure. A common theme of discovery in this century; Panofsky, W. K. H.; February 01, 2000; SLAC-PUB--3288; ACC0028 Destruction of the fractional quantum Hall effect by disorder; Laughlin, R.B.; February 01, 2000; UCRL--93152; ACC0027 Contributions and future of radioisotopes in medical, industrial and space applications; Tingey, G.L.; Dix, G.P.; Wahlquist, E.J.; February 01, 2000; PNL-SA--18458; ACC0026 The discovery of the tau lepton: Part 1, The early history through 1975; Part 2, Confirmation of the discovery and measurement of major properties, 1976--1982; Perl, M. L.; February 01, 2000; SLAC-PUB--6584; ACC0025 Production of medical radioisotopes in the ORNL High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) for cancer treatment and arterial restenosis therapy after PTCA; Knapp, F.F. Jr.; Beets, A.L.; Mirzadeh, S.; Alexander, C.W.; Hobbs, R.L.; February 01, 2000; ORNL/CP--97929; ACC0024 Discovery of charm; Goldhaber, G.; November 29, 1999; LBL--18696; ACC0023 Health and Environmental Research: summary of accomplishments. Volume 2; ; November 29, 1999; DOE/ER--0275-Vol.2; ACC0022 The hydrogen bubble chamber and the strange resonances; Alvarez, L.W.; November 29, 1999; LBL--22392; ACC0021 Commercializing government-sponsored innovations: Twelve successful buildings case studies; Brown, M.A.; Berry, L.G.; Goel, R.K.; November 29, 1999; ORNL/CON--275; ACC0020 A brief history in time of ion traps and their achievements in science; Holzscheiter, M.H.; November 29, 1999; LA-UR--94-3676; ACC0019 A compendium of energy conservation success stories; ; November 19, 1999; DOE/CH/10093--35; ACC0018 A compendium of energy conservation: Success stories 90; ; November 19, 1999; DOE/CH/10093--83; ACC0017 The economic, energy, and environmental impacts of the Energy-Related Inventions Program; Brown, M.A.; Wilson, C.R.; Franchuk, C.A.; Cohn, S.M.; Jones, D.; November 19, 1999; ORNL/CON--381; ACC0016 The discovery of the top quark; Sinervo, P.K.; November 19, 1999; FNAL/C--95/371-E; ACC0015 Research and Energy Efficiency: Selected Success Stories; Garland, P. W.; Garland, R. W.; October 26, 1999; CONF-970684--5; ACC0014 The discovery of the b quark at Fermilab in 1977: The experiment coordinator's story; Yoh, J.; October 26, 1999; FNAL/C--97/432-E; ACC0013 Historical review of californium-252 discovery and development; Stoddard, D.H.; October 26, 1999; DP-MS--85-26; ACC0012 Delta: the first pion nucleon resonance - its discovery and applications; Nagle, D.; October 26, 1999; LALP--84-27; ACC0011 The Birth of Nuclear-Generated Electricity; ; October 12, 1999; INEEL/EXT-99-01012; ACC0010 Health and environmental research. Summary of accomplishments; ; January 19, 1999; DOE/ER--0194; ACC0009 Accomplishments of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Seed Money program; ; January 19, 1999; DOE/ER--0274; ACC0008 Magnetic fusion energy research: A summary of accomplishments; ; January 19, 1999; DOE/ER--0297; ACC0007 Atomic power in space: A history; ; January 19, 1999; DOE/NE/32117--H1; ACC0006 The ultimate structure of matter: The high energy physics program from the 1950s through the 1980s; ; January 19, 1999; DOE/ER--0435; ACC0005 Basic Energy Sciences: Summary of Accomplishments; ; January 19, 1999; DOE/ER--0455P; ACC0004 Investments in Fossil Energy Technology: How the Government's Fossil Energy R&D Program Has Made a Difference; ; January 19, 1999; ; ACC0003 A Vital Legacy: Biological and Environmental Research in the Atomic Age; ; January 19, 1999; PUB--800; ACC0002 The Manhattan Project: Making the Atomic Bomb. 1999 edition.; Gosling, F. G.; January 19, 1999; DOE/MA--0001-01/99; ACC0001 |