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The Ferret-THREDDS Data Server (F-TDS)

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F-TDS is an OPeNDAP server that uses the analysis capabilities of Ferret as a mechanism to create and serve virtual variables built from existing netCDF data variables. F-TDS is a the basis for all of the comparison and analysis calculations in LAS.

Installation instructions for F-TDS by roland — last modified 2007-10-22 13:49
How to install F-TDS as part of LAS and as a stand-alone OPeNDAP server.
Using F-TDS and the server-side analysis by roland — last modified 2007-10-22 13:49
F-TDS allows data files which can be read and geo-referenced by Ferret to be served as OPeNDAP data sets. F-TDS allows allows the dynamic creation of new variables via requests for server-side analysis.
How F-TDS is used in LAS by roland — last modified 2007-10-22 13:49
All analysis from user define variables and automatic regridding needed to compare data on different grids in LAS is done by F-TDS.
Perl script to build the Ferret environment XML by roland — last modified 2007-10-22 13:50
The Java code for LAS and F-TDS uses an XML file to build the Ferret execution environment. This Perl code will help you create that file.
Debugging Your F-TDS and LAS Integration by roland — last modified 2007-11-27 17:58
If you have trouble making a product from a user defined variable, here are some ideas for how to track down and fix the problem.

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