Pesticide Education Resources

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Slide Sets

Farm Security and Emergency Planning
Lending Library
Pesticide Notes
Home & Garden


Bulletins: Supplied is a complete list of our online bulletins.

Certification Slide Sets: A collection of slide presentations used as preparation for certification. We also offer certification manuals online.

Farm Security and Emergency Planning: Educational materials on pesticide storage and transportation, farm security and emergency planning for your farm.

Spanish: Our offering of Spanish-language educational materials.

Lending Library: Pesticide education materials available for loan to Extension educators and other trainers.

Pesticide Notes: The Pesticide Notes Newsletter is produced monthly and is geared for Michigan State University Extension and Michigan Department of Agriculture staff. Pesticide Notes summarizes changes in pesticide regulations, registrations, use, labeling, and summarizes other issues of interest to pesticide educators and regulators.

Home & Garden: Pesticide education materials for the general public.

FQPA: Educational materials related to the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996.

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©opyright, disclaimer & linking info. Webpage updated by Carolyn Randall 2/28/05