Lavender Australia

LAVENDER AUSTRALIA is the peak body for growing Lavender in Australia and can help you develop your Lavender interest.

LAVENDER AUSTRALIA is committed to develop a viable network of Lavender Growers and therefore develop a viable Lavender industry for Australia.

LAVENDER AUSTRALIA is dedicated to promote Lavender as a domestic crop for Australia.

Although the main role for LAVENDER AUSTRALIA is to help grow the Lavender industry in Australia by supporting commercial growers and distillers of lavender, membership of the Organisation is available to ANYONE who has an interest in Lavender. Novice and experienced growers together with producers and businesses associated with lavender products are gladly welcomed as members.

Lavender in many forms has graced the pages of the history books. There are many stories and recounted incidents of famous people having used Lavender in their daily life. In this modern age of technology where the goal of life is CONSTANT CHANGE; Lavender is still an enormously important plant and the essential oil is still the most widely used essential oil in the world. IT HAS SURVIVED!

If you plan to become further involved with Lavender and may be considering a lavender Business then you should join an association to obtain factual information.

By answering the following questions you can quickly find out if you need to join LAVENDER AUSTRALIA:

Do you want to grow Lavender commercially; as a tourist destination; or to use as a focal point for a related business?

Do you want to find out what Lavender cultivars to plant?

Do you know how much water Lavender plants need?

Can Lavender growing be a viable business?

Do you want your business to focus on Lavender flowers or Lavender essential oil?

Do you know about Lavender distillation and quality Lavender oil?

Do you wish to grow related plants to augment a Lavender business?

Have you thought of innovative ways to use Lavender? 

If you answered ‘YES’ to two or more of the above questions then you need to join LAVENDER AUSTRALIA and become a Member.


By joining the Organisation you receive the LAVENDER AUSTRALIA MAGAZINE as part of your subscription. The Magazine is the foremost Lavender Journal in Australia and overseas and is published four times per year. The Magazine provides the perfect vehicle to ask questions and discuss problems with other members.