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“How we eat determines, to a   
considerable extent, how the world is used.” Wendell Berry

Eating for Our Future


Eat Healthy Monday

Meatless Monday

Healthy Monday

Food System Mapping

Baltimore Food and Faith

Food for Life in Elementary Schools

Community Food Assesment

Eat Local

“Eating for the Future,” means eating foods that are healthy for people, healthy for the environment, and available within a food system that is equitable for all. CLF’s Eating for the Future program focuses on improving our understanding of how food environments influence individuals’ food choices and eating behaviors; what helps people make more informed food decisions and adopt healthier eating behaviors; and creating healthy food environments so that people have easy access to nutritious, healthy food.

The Eating for the Future Program integrates scientific evidence to guide its technical assistance and leadership support in efforts to increase community food security, promote eat-local activities, and encourages the development of relationships among local and regional food and nutrition organizations.

For more information on Eating for the Future contact Anne Palmer.

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