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Check Out CLF’s New Blog: A Sustainable World: From All Angles

What do four Ph.D.’s, a former newspaper editor, a Professor and an enthusiastic story teller share in common? Well, other than one entertaining office space at Johns Hopkins University – they all share a common belief that their work in life is to

  • Advance an ecological perspective of the world
  • Reduce threats to the health of the public and
  • Promote policies that protect health, the global environment and the ability to sustain life for future generations.

And now, this group has become the newest multi-author, issue-focused blog, known as the Livable Future Blog. The site will be a repository of information, research and tools for citizens, policy makers, journalists and bloggers who want to join a dialogue on the way we farm, eat and live – and how it impacts our world – from the air we breathe to the soil we walk on. The bloggers want to use their science, share their stories, and promote more sustainable, productive methods of living.

How did the blog come about?

“At the Center for a Livable Future we needed to find a way – an outlet– for all of our research, ideas, science and insight. From seasoned academics to a backpacking adventurer, we bring different perspectives, backgrounds and experiences. But one thing is the same. We all want 2009 to be the year the world shifts its focus and sees that we are in dire need of a turn-around in the way we farm, eat, live and even in the way we discuss these issues. We need to move towards a sustainable future,” says Chris Stevens, CLF communications director and blogger.

What will make this blog different?

First, meet Roni.  As our research and policy director, she is focused on links between food systems and public health, including climate change, the food price crisis, and how to make future farm and food policy promote the public’s health more effectively.

Then there is Amy, one of our young Predoctoral Fellows. Amy looks at the relationship of agriculture and public health form a different angle. Her background is in how industrial farms transfer antimicrobial resistant bacteria – making the spread of MRSA and other diseases commonplace.

We will have seven regular bloggers, with guests joining in from time to time. Together, we want to spark a new kind of conversation, one that does not silo the issues of climate change, food production, diet and issues in public health into separate containers – but brings them all together. We know how connected they are – and how we can all impact a better, healthier future – with information, conversation and change.

Please join in the conversation at  www.LivableFutureBlog.com

**The Livable Future Blog contains information that is created and maintained by The Center for a Livable Future. The site contains the personal opinions and insight based on academic findings and research.

The opinions expressed by the bloggers and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Johns Hopkins is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by the Livable Future bloggers.


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