NBII Publications Library

The NBII Program produces a variety of publications each year, including fact sheets about our Program, nodes, projects, and partners; presentations made at meetings and conferences; white papers and proceedings from workshops; program management documents; and our quarterly newsletter, Access. In addition, we are proud to co-sponsor the new, open-access eJournal Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy, with our partner, CSA.

Introducing a New, Open Access e-Journal Dedicated to Sustainability Issues

Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy is a new peer-reviewed, open access journal that provides a platform for the dissemination of new practices and for dialogue emerging out of the field of sustainability. The e-Journal fills a gap in the literature by establishing a forum for cross-disciplinary discussion of empirical and social sciences, practices, and policies related to sustainability. Sustainability will facilitate communication among scientists, practitioners, and policy makers who are investigating and shaping nature-society interactions and working towards sustainable solutions.

Co-published by the NBII and CSA, a worldwide information company specializing in publishing and distributing bibliographic and full-text databases and journals in the natural sciences, the e-Journal's primary mission is the dissemintation of information on sustainability science issues in support of a greater global exchange of knowledge. The e-Journal is available free to all to read, download, copy, and reproduce for any scientific purposes

We invite you to visit the Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy Web site to access current and past issues.

Here's a sneak peak at our forthcoming Spring 2008 issue; articles already available are linked below:

The NBII Program is administered by the Biological Informatics Office of the U.S. Geological Survey
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