
The Lithuanian Invasive Species Database is aimed:

  • to provide a qualified reference online system on invasive species in Lithuania;

  • to serve a virtual forum on environmental and administrative issues related to biological invasions in Lithuania;

  • to encourage the exchange of data among different geographical regions and serve a node in the global information network on invasive species


Invasive species are intentionally or accidentally transported and released by man outside their native range. An invasive species is defined as "an introduced (synonyms: non-indigenous, non-native, alien, exotic) species which becomes established in natural or semi-natural ecosystems or habitats, is an agent of change, and threatens native biological diversity" (IUCN 1999). The Lithuanian Invasive Species Database comprises information on all known non-indigenous species found in the Lithuanian environment, both terrestrial and aquatic.


This project is initiated by the National Advisory Council on Invasive Species established by the Ministry of Environment of Lithuania (ME, Order No. 352, July 1, 2002).


This project was founded, in part, by the grant received from the Nordic/Baltic Environmental Office of the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen in October 2003.


Findings and conclusions expressed at this web page are those of the Authors (members of the Project Team) and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen, Ministry of Environment of Lithuania or any other participating institutions and therefore no official endorsement should be inferred.

*The definitions are taken from:

IUCN 1999. IUCN guidelines for the prevention of biodiversity loss due to biological invasions. Newsletter of the Species Survival Commission IUCN - The World Conservation Union 31: 28-42


