United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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NRCS This Week

Friday, September 29, 2000 Washington, DC.

"Grandfather never went to school and spoke only a few words of English, a quiet man; when he talked, he talked about simple things: planting corn or about the weather sometimes about herding sheep as a child. One day he pointed to the four directions and taught me their names El Norte. . . Poniente . . . Oriente . . . El Sur. He spoke their names as if they were one of only a handful of things a man needed to know. Now I look back only two generations removed and realize I am nothing but a poor fool who went to college trying to find my way back to the center of the world where Grandfather stood that day."

-- Leroy V. Quintana, Mexican American author, from Legacy II

Focus on the Field
Alaska: Southeast Conference RC&D Creates Outdoor Classroom
California: Watershed Project Boosts American Indian Students' Science, Math Scores
Connecticut: NRCS Co-Sponsors National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Conference
Oklahoma: National Watershed Operation Workshop
Tennessee: Carbon Sequestration Project Funded for Tennessee Demonstration Farm
Vermont: Women in Agriculture Network Assists Underserved Constituents

What's Up In Washington
USDA Inducts Four Members into A Newly Established Hall of Heroes
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!
New Conservation Buffer Brochure and Poster Shipped This Week
USDA/NRCS 'NetNewsLinks:
Farm Disaster Resource Net
CBS News Disaster Links now links to the NRCS home page (under "Drought") and to the National Drought Mitigation Center.
NRCS National Water and Climate Center Snow-Precipitation Update for the West
NRCS Legislative Summaries

Also on the 'Net:
NEW! Learn more about Hispanic contributions to historic areas in the U.S.
NEW! Crop Residue Survey application - CropRes - allows users to upload survey transect data, enter county profile data (county crop acres), and adjust tillage percentages. CropRes is now available at http://calais.itc.nrcs.usda.gov/ctic/ (A PMRS user ID and logon are required to enter this site).
NEW! Computer Tools Now Available to Field Offices! Field office personnel now have access to better tools to reduce redundant paperwork, improve efficiency, and allow more time to work in the field with customers. Computer tools are available at http://www.info.usda.gov/NRCS/FOWR/
AGRICOLA: USDA's AGRICultural Online Access
e-Notes from NACD: Weekly news briefs from the National Association of Conservation Districts
Ag Day - Nationally syndicated daily program at http://www.agday.com/.
Conference & Training Connection!
See the alphabetical-by-subject list of upcoming events. See NEW! additions under AFO/CAFO.


Southeast Conference RC&D Creates Outdoor Classroom - To improve water quality, wetland habitat, public safety, and provide educational opportunities for students in the Southeast Conference Resource Conservation & Development (RC&D) membership area, the Duck Creek Advisory Group, Mendenhall Watershed Partnership, and Southeast RC&D members in Juneau, have combined efforts to create an outdoor classroom at the Floyd Dryden Middle School. Participants have provided landscape designs, heavy equipment, fill materials, plants, and funding for the project. The Southeast Conference RC&D area serves a membership that extends more than 400 miles along the coastal rainforest of the mountainous inland passageway of islands to the foot of some of Alaska's largest glaciers and icefields. Your contact is Robert Tribelhorn, Southeast Conference RC&D Coordinator, at 907-463-3445.

Watershed Project Boosts American Indian Students' Science, Math Scores - Until recently, 100 percent of American Indian students at Greenville High School in California's Lassen County failed science and math. Today, all of these students are making passing grades. Contributing to the turnaround is the American Indian Watershed Project coordinated by California NRCS American Indian Liaison, Reina Rogers. The project relates science and math to natural resources in watersheds. Seven schools in Lassen and Plumas counties participate in the project. Partners include Lassen County Office of Education, Plumas National Forest, Bureau of Land Management, Round House Council, Feather River Resource Conservation District, and California Conservation Outreach Funds. Your contact is Reina Rogers, NRCS California American Indian Liaison, at 530-284-7126.

NRCS Co-Sponsors National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Conference - More than 150 scientists, regulators, and consultants from throughout the Nation attended the 8th National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Conference, in Hartford, Connecticut, September 11-15. The theme of the conference was "Monitoring and Modeling Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Rural/Urban Interface." NRCS State Conservationist Margo L. Wallace opened the conference, along with the Dean of the University of Connecticut's College of Agriculture, the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, and a representative from the regional office of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Five NRCS State staff members made presentations.

National Watershed Operation Workshop - Over 65 participants from a dozen States attended a pilot National Watershed Operation and Maintenance Responsibility Workshop last week in Duncan, Oklahoma. Sponsors were the National Watershed Coalition and the Oklahoma Conservation Commission. Participants, who included project sponsors, and NRCS, conservation district and State employees, learned about the roles and responsibilities of project sponsors, as well as hands on training with equipment, materials, and techniques used in Operation and Maintenance (O&M). They also shared experiences and challenges that sponsors in the different States face in O&M. Rehabilitation of aging watershed dams was also a key topic on the agenda. Your contact is Terri Daniel, NRCS Public Affairs Specialist, at 405-742-1244.

Carbon Sequestration Project Funded for Tennessee Demonstration Farm - The Tennessee Association of Conservation Districts received a $65,000 grant from the State's Department of Agriculture to carry out a 3-year carbon sequestration project on the Robertson County Soil Conservation District Demonstration Farm located in Cedar. Soil quality testing for the project will begin on October 19. NRCS technical specialists and local volunteers, and conservation agencies, and organizations will participate in the project. Sequestering, or storing, carbon in soil as organic matter and in trees helps reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Your contact is Lavonne Winters, NRCS Public Affairs Specialist, at 615-277-2535.

Vermont's Women in Agriculture Network Assists Underserved Constituents - Vermont's "2501" model of USDA's Small Farmer Outreach Training and Technical Assistance Program is an effective network for sustaining agriculture. The Department's Office of Outreach, along with representatives of the State's Food and Agriculture Committee Outreach Council, recently conducted an on-site review of Vermont's Women in Agriculture Network (WAgN). Established to reach out to underserved constituents, the University of Vermont's Extension program, funded by NRCS, seeks to increase the number of women owning and operating profitable farms and agriculture-related businesses.

WAgN has increased the number of women in agriculture by providing the necessary information and education for participants to assess their personal level of commitment to the enterprise and evaluate the agricultural alternatives available to them. Comprehensive educational programs, such as Growing Places, a six-part seminar on evaluating possibilities and realities, and Start Up, an intensive program on running a business conducted by the Women in Small Business Program, afford potential farmers the groundwork to get them started. Follow up includes discussion groups located throughout the State, where participants learn from and mentor each other. There are no budgetary constraints for those who wish to participate in the program. The primary objective is improving the quality of life of the participants. Currently, there are 1,200 participants on the mailing list, with the rolls increasing by about 150 persons annually.

Vermont's WAgN is working with Extension and NRCS to implement the Vermont program in Maine, New Hampshire, and New York. Future targeted participants will include conventional farm wives to help them avoid "the granny factor," a dilemma a woman can face when her husband dies and she is left on her own to operate the farm. Your contact is Anne Hilliard, NRCS Public Affairs Specialist, at 802-951-6796, ext. 234.


USDA Inducts Four Members into A Newly Established Hall of Heroes - Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman this week inducted four champions of American agriculture in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's newly established Hall of Heroes. The four honorees are long-time leaders in children's food and nutrition legislation former U.S. Senator Robert Dole, the international symbol for forest fire prevention Smokey Bear, world renowned agricultural chemist George Washington Carver, and eminent soil scientist Hugh Hammond Bennett.

"The USDA Hall of Heroes will be a living, permanent tribute to the contributions of distinguished pioneers of agriculture, past and present," said Secretary Glickman. "Today's charter inductees will be joined by other honorees in future years. All will be honored by plaques in the entry hall of USDA's Jamie L. Whitten Federal Building."

The following vignettes and notable quotes are etched on a plaque for each honoree:

Senator Robert Dole, National Leader of Nutrition and Farming Programs,

"Senator Robert Dole improved the lives of millions of American children and families through the creation of the federal nutrition safety net. His bipartisan work resulted in landmark legislation creating the National School Lunch, WIC and TEFAP programs, which provide vital nutrition assistance to those most at risk. His work helped give those most in need a better chance at dignity and success. Senator Dole now actively supports global school meals and education initiatives that will give children in developing countries a better chance at a healthy life. Senator Dole was an important link between America's farmers and improved nutrition around the world." Notable quote: "What greater right is there than the right to eat."

Smokey Bear, America's Fire Prevention Bear (1944 - present). Two Forest Service artists, Rudolph Wendelin and Harry Rossoll, were largely responsible for Smokey Bear's look and character. Wendelin directed the many artists who drew Smokey, including Rossoll, one of the main artists. Their commitment to Smokey Bear, whose campaign has taught generations of children that preventing forest fires is each individual's responsibility, has helped save thousands of acres of our nation's forests. Notable quote: "Remember, Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires."

George Washington Carver - Father of Chemurgy (1861 - 1943), World renowned for his scientific achievements, George Washington Carver was an educator, scientist, teacher, and agriculturist. He specialized in developing industrial applications from farm products (chemurgy). For many years, he served as the director of agriculture at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama and as a collaborator with USDA. Carver's most honored achievements in creative scientific research led to improved health and living conditions for the southern farmer. Among his many accomplishments were outreach efforts using the Jesup Wagon. George Washington Carver was, and remains, an inspiration to others. Notable quote: "It's simply service that measures success."

Hugh Hammond Bennett - Father of Soil Conservation (1881 - 1960). Hugh Hammond Bennett combined science, passion, and political astuteness to make soil conservation a national priority and spark a worldwide conservation movement. In 1903, after graduation from the University of North Carolina, Bennett joined USDA's Bureau of Soils, where he soon determined that soil erosion was the biggest threat facing the American farmer. He became a tireless crusader for soil conservation, triggering the establishment of the Soil Erosion Service in 1933 and the passage of the act of April 27, 1935, creating the Soil Conservation Service in USDA. Bennett led the organization until 1951. Notable quote: "Out of the long list of nature's gifts to man, none is perhaps so utterly essential to human life as soil."

The Hall of Heroes website is available at http://www.usda.gov/da/hallofheroes

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! - Hispanic Heritage Month 2000 has arrived! Latino communities nationwide welcome this yearly event, which begins in one month and ends in the next. The month of celebration began September 15 and will last through October 15. El Dia de la Raza, will be celebrated on October 12.

The observance was initiated by the U. S. Congress as Hispanic Heritage Week more than 20 years ago. The month-long celebration has grown. The intent of Hispanic Heritage Week was to encourage Hispanic awareness among all U. S. citizens. The longer Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated, the more people learn and want to know more. Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by participating in events in a Latino community near you!

New Conservation Buffer Brochure and Poster Shipped This Week - A new conservation buffer brochure and educational poster are scheduled to be shipped this week to regional and State NRCS offices. The brochure incorporates details about the added financial incentives that are available to farmers and ranchers for the installation of conservation buffers through the continuous Conservation Reserve Program sign-up. The poster is an educational tool that highlights the financial incentives available to help landowners use buffers, as well as the environmental benefits of buffers. Both pieces are built around the theme of "conservation buffers work...economically and environmentally."

Additional copies of both the brochure and poster (flat, or folded to fit a 9x12-inch envelope) can be ordered from 1-888-LANDCARE. Your contact is Mary Cressel, NRCS Communications Staff, at 202-690-0547 or mary.cressel@usda.gov.


September 29, 2000

As a service to NRCS personnel and the agency's partners, "NRCS This Week" offers the following by-subject list of conferences and training sessions. To add an event, please send an e-mail message to fred.jacobs@usda.gov

Agricultural Economics
Air Quality
Animal Residuals Management
Carbon Sequestration
Coastal Zone Management
Environmental Education
Farmland Preservation
Grazing Land & Grassland
Mining & the Environment
Resource Conservation & Development
Water Quality

The Innovative Technology for Planning Animal Feeding Operations
December 4-6
Denver, Colorado, Renaissance Denver Hotel
Attendees will be producers, government agencies, businesses, and consultants writing comprehensive nutrient management plans. Topics include land application technologies, alternative manure uses, air quality control strategies, mitigation of impacted sites, filter strips, etc. Exhibitors: $400.00 with two free registrations. Posters: Individuals presenting posters should be registered for the conference. Contact Ron Schierer, at 970-330-0380 or ron.schierer@co.usda.gov or Mike Collins at 307-682-8843, ext. 113, or mike.collins@wy.usda.gov

Agricultural Economics
American Agricultural Economics Associtaion Annual (AAEA) Meeting
August 5-8, 2001
Chicago, Illinois
AAEA seeks submission for posters, papers, organized symposia and free sessions for the 2001 annual meeting in Chicago. For more information, contact Nancy Herselius at 515-233-3202, or nancy@aaea.org or visit the meeting website at http://www.aaea.org/meetings/.

International Poplar Commission 2000 Conference
Sept. 24-30
Portland, Oregon
Will include scientists and practitioners from more than 32 countries. The theme: "Poplar and Willow Culture: Meeting the Needs of Society and the Environment." Papers will be presented in working group sessions, including Poplar and Willow Breeding, Diseases, Insects and Other Animal Pests, Production and Environmental Systems, and Logging and Utilization. The Web site is http://www.ncfes.umn.edu/IPC2000/
Forest Utilization Conference
May 1-3, 2001
Wagoner OK
The Ouachita Mountains Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. will sponsor its 6th annual Forest Utilization Conference and Equipment Exposition at the Western Hills Guest Resort in Sequoyah State Park on the shores of Lake Fort Gibson. For information, contact Gary Garman, Coordinator for Ouachita Mountains RC&D Council, at (918)-423-2479, fax 918-423-0793, email omrcandd@icok.net or visit the web site http://www.icok.net/~omrcandd
Southern Forest Science Conference: Contributions of Forest Research to Sustainable Forestry Preliminary Conference Announcement and Call for Papers
November 26 - 28, 2001
Renaissance Waverly Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia
The Southern Forest Science Conference will highlight the history and future of research in sustainable forestry. The conference is for anyone interested in the science of southern forests and is open to researchers, research managers and research users as well as policymakers, landowners and other interested stakeholders. Call for Papers: Topics, deadlines and other information can be found at the conference website at http://www.southernforestscience.net/ For more information contact www.southernforestscience.net or the USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station at (828)-257-4302.

The 2000 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy
November 5-9
Minneapolis, Minnesota
The American Society of Agronomy, the Soil Science Society of America, and the Crop Science Society will host the annual meeting of the American Society of Agronomy. For more information, visit the meeting website at http://www.asa-cssa-sssa.org/olr99/ or http://www.Agronomy.org or http://www.Crops.org or http://www.Soils.org. Registration packets can be requested directly from the American Society Agronomy Headquarters Office, 677 South Segoe Road, in Madison, Wisconsin 53711-1086. Pre-registration ends September 22.

Air Quality
Second International Conference on Air Pollution from Agricultural Operations
Eighth International Symposiumon Animal, Agricultural and Food Processing Waste(ISAAFPW)
First International Swine Housing Conference
October 9-11, 2000
Marriott Conference Center, DesMoines, Iowa
The American Society of Agricultural Engineers is hosting three concurrent meetings in Des Moines. . For more information, visit the conference website at http://www.asae.org/meetings/

Future Directions in Air Quality Research
February 12-15, 2001
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Conference topics will focus on ecological, atmospheric, regulatory/policy and educational issues. The conference is sponsored by the Air Resources Research Consortium. For more information contact Sherrie Knott at (919) 515-2261 or visit the conference website at http://www2.ncsu.edu/cpe/airqualconf.html

Animal Residuals Management
Eighth International Symposiumon Animal, Agricultural and Food Processing Waste(ISAAFPW)
First International Swine Housing Conference
Second International Conference on Air Pollution from Agricultural Operations
October 9-11, 2000
MarriottConferenceCenter, DesMoines, Iowa
The American Society of Agricultural Engineers is hosting three concurrent meetings in Des Moines. . For more information, visit the conference website at http://www.asae.org/meetings/

The 2000 National Poultry Waste Management Symposium
October 16-18
Sheraton Fontainebleau Hotel, Ocean City, Maryland
The 2000 National Poultry Waste Management Symposium will communicate the latest technology and information regarding poultry waste management. The symposium is targeted to meet current and future needs of the poultry industry when responsibly dealing with environmental issues. The program begins with a general session covering broad topics related to poultry by-products and social issues, followed by concurrent sessions addressing specific issues such as air and water quality, utilization and marketing alternatives and regulation. For more information, contact Richard Reynnells National Program Leader, Animal Production Systems at (202) 401-5352, fax: (202) 401-5179 e-mail: rreynnells@reeusda.gov
Animal Residuals Management Conference--Issues and Solutions
November 12-14
Kansas City, Missouri
The conference will feature three session tracks: issues and environmental assessments, solutions and technology, and policy. Topics include: applied solutions for animal manure use and disposal, nutrient management in watersheds, public health risks associated with agricultural use of animal manure, and case studies on the beneficial use of animal manure. Deadline for submittal of abstracts is June 23. For details, contact: Water Environment Federation, 601 Wythe Street, Alexandria, Virginia, 22314-1994. Phone: (703) 684-2438. NRCS co-sponsors.
Innovative Technologies for Planning Animal Feeding Operations
December 4-6, 2000
Renaissance Denver Hotel, Denver, Colorado
Workshops include: "Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning (CNMP)" and "Seepage Control in Ag Waste Ponds" Other topics include: emerging technologies associated with animal feeding operations which can be adapted to the Great Plains; land application technologies; alternative uses of manure; air quality control strategies including ammonia, dust, odor, and green house gasses; systems approach to CNMP; planning to prevent adverse environmental impacts; monitoring AFOs; diet/feed additives; and handling animal mortality. Exhibit and poster space available. For more information, contact Ron.Schierer@ks.nrcs.usda.gov or Myron Senechal at 701-530-2085 or Myron.Senechal@nd.usda.gov.

Carbon Sequestration
Advances in Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Inventory, Measurements and Monitoring.
October 3-5, 2000
Raleigh, North Carolina
The conference will cover forest, agriculture, rangeland, wetland, and urban landscapes in the U.S. Focus is on terrestrial ecosystem carbon measurements, monitoring, and mitigation strategies. Objectives: evaluate current methodologies and identify knowledge gaps in terrestrial ecosystem carbon measurement and monitoring, propose priorities and standardization for terrestrial carbon monitoring, and data collection; and evaluate current and propose new experimental designs and outputs for increasing carbon storage. For more information contact Steven McNulty, conference chair, at 919-515-9489 or steve_mcnulty@ncsu.edu or visit the conference website at http://www.sgcp.ncsu.edu/conference/.

Coastal Zone Management
Coastal Zone 01
July 15-19, 2001
Cleveland, Ohio
CZ01 will feature important lessons learned by coastal managers around the world and models of successful partnerships, such as that established in the Great Lakes, where two sovereign nations jointly manage water and living resources of this great "inland sea." Cleveland offers an outstanding opportunity to examine how local and regional issues are connected to worldwide influences of culture and commerce, climate and biology. For more information, visit the conference website at http://www.csc.noaa.gov/cz2001/conference.html.

Environmental Education
North American Association for Environmental Education National Conference
October 17-21
South Padre Island, Texas
The conference theme is "Spanning Cultural and Ecological Diversity through Environmental Education." Learn more about the conference, at http://www.naaee.org
New Beginnings, ASFMRA 2000 Annual Convention & Trade Show
November 9-11, 2000
Opryland Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee
The theme is New Beginnings, and the program includes an in-depth look at key issues in the future of agriculture, including a session with Jim Lyons.
For more information about the conference, visit the website at http://www.asfmra.org/fmeetings.htm

Farmland Preservation
Pennsylvania Farmland Preservation Association (PFPA)
October 10 & 11
Avalon Hotel, Erie, Pennsylvania
PFPA is an organization of county program administrators for the Pennsylvania Farmland Protection Program.
For more information about the conference, contact Betty Reefer, PFPA President, at RR 12 Box 202-B Donohoe Center, Greensburg, PA 15601 or bcr54321@aol.com
Winning Through Wise Land Use Conference
March, 2001
Tennessee, Federal and private partners will conduct a seminar for developers, conservationists, and others interested in lessening the impact of development on the State's natural resources. For more information contact Larry Blick, NRCS Assistant State Conservationist for Field Support, at 615-736-5490 or lblick@tn.nrcs.usda.gov

SOFOR GIS 2000 3rd Southern Forestry GIS Conference
October 10-12
Athens, Georgia
For more information, contact William G. Hubbard, Cooperative Extension Service, at 706-542-7813 or whubbard@uga.edu, or visit the conference website at http://www.soforgis.net/.

Grazing Land & Grassland
Grasstravaganza 2000
October 27-28
Syracuse, New York
The South Central New York Resource Conservation and Development Project, Inc. will host Grasstravaganza 2000! a two day, conference on topics pertinent to grass-based agriculture at the Wyndham Syracuse Hotel in Syracuse NY. For more information, contact Kim Handy at 607-334-3231, ext. 4 or kimberly.handy@ny.usda.gov Register on-line at https://secure.btittc.com/register/grass2000.htm.
First National Conference on Grazing Lands
December 5-8
Las Vegas, Nevada
Economic and environmental effects of proper grazing lands management. Sponsored by NACD, Grazing Lands and Public Lands Committee, the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI), and others. Abstracts for oral and poster papers accepted until April 1. Contact John W. Peterson, NCGL Program Manager, by phone on (703) 455-4387, or fax at (703) 455-6886, or by e-mail on jwpeterson@erols.com

21st Annual International Irrigation Show
November 12 – 14
Phoenix Civic Plaza, Phoenix, Arizona
The Irrigation Association's 21st irrigation show will feature the American Society of Agricultural Engineers' 4th Decennial National Irrigation Symposium. Irrigation training opportunities are available prior to, during, and after the show. For more information about the show, visit the website at http://www.irrigation.org.
4th Decennial (every 10 years) National Irrigation Symposium
November 14 - 16
Phoenix Civic Plaza, Phoenix, Arizona
American Society of Agricultural Engineers will host a symposium featuring numerous irrigation technical presentations For more information about the symposium, visit the website at www.asae.org.

Mining & the Environment
Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste
January 15-18, 2001
Fort Collins, Colorado
A forum for members of the mining community, engineers, and scientists concerned with environmental issues related to tailings and mine waste management. Abstracts due by June 2. To submit an abstract or for more information, contact Linda Hinshaw, Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State Univeristy, (970) 491-6081, or at lhinshaw@engr.colostate.edu

Third Biennial Conference on Understanding Each Other and Working Together for a Better Future
October 24-25
Eugene, Oregon
Forum for agricultural interests, government, and environmentalists to discuss issues relevant to agriculture and water quality. Perspectives presented in a non-confrontational forum and others see and understand other points of view. For more information, see the conference's Web site at http://www.agwaterqualitynw.org
2001 National Association of Conservation Districts' Annual Meeting
February 4-8
Fort Worth, Texas
Contact Robert Raschke on (303) 988-1810.

Resource Conservation & Development
New England Association of RC&D Areas Annual Conference
October 26-29
Newport, Rhode Island
For more information call, please call Susan Arrants at (401) 949-4418.

International Conference on Wood in World Rivers
October 23-27
Corvallis, Oregon
Sessions on primary research of fluvial processes, synthesis of policies and science to guide management options for rivers, applied research, and conservation perspectives. Co-sponsored by the Wildlife Habitat Management Institute. For more information, see the conference's Web site at http://riverwood.orst.edu or contact the Institute's Kathryn Staley at Kathryn.Staley@orst.edu

Water Quality
7th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference
March 25-29, 2001
Reno, Nevada
Will provide Federal and non-Federal scientists and managers from various disciplines the opportunity to discuss recent accomplishments and progress in research and on technical developments in the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of sedimentation. Scheduled are tours, exhibitions, and presentations of papers. For more information about the conference, visit the website at http://water.usgs.gov/wicp/SED7FISC_crf.html

Seventh National Watershed Conference
May 20-23, 2001
Richmond, Virginia
The theme: "Small Watershed Programs: Past, Present, and Future." This conference will examine our Nation's rich history with upstream small watershed programs and will explore innovative ways of accomplishing watershed project objectives as traditional sources of assistance become harder to get. . For more information contact John W. Peterson, (703) 455-6886, fax (703) 455-6888;e-mail, jwpeterson@erols.com

7th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control
November 11-16
Lake Buena Vista, Florida
For more information about the conference, visit the website at http://www.ifas.ufl.edu/~conferweb/wpc/
Izaak Walton League of America National Conference
May 16-18, 2001
Orlando, Florida
Topics include: wetland education, restoration, conservation, and international issues. To get on the mailing list for the conference, contact: awm@iwla.org or call (800) BUG-IWLA (284-4952)


Please send correspondence and material for "NRCS This Week" to the editor by: e-mail to: fred.jacobs@usda.gov; or by fax to: Editor, "NRCS This Week," 202-720-1564; or by mail to: Editor, "NRCS This Week," NRCS, P.O. Box 2890, Washington, D.C. 20013


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