United States Department of Agriculture
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NRCS This Week

Friday, September 1, 2000 Washington, DC.

"We abuse the land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect."

-- Aldo Leopold (1887-1948), American Conservationist

Focus on the Field
Alabama: Backyard Conservation Contest-Bibb County, Alabama
California: California Field Office Conservationist Works with School Children
Indiana: Indiana Holds First Multi-Agency Diversity Training
Nebraska: NRCS Nebraska Employees Assist with Groundwater Study
Tennessee: Tennessee Hatchie River Action Team Gears Up
Texas: NRCS, Plus Cooperation, Times History, Equals Success

And This just in
Soil Survey Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) Signed

Awards & Accolades
Alaska Soil Scientist Receives National Recognition
Milwaukee's "Blue Ribbon" Publications

What's Up In Washington
New Report Will Detail Animal Agriculture and Manure Production
Secretary Glickman Declares Four Additional Texas Counties as Agricultural Disaster Areas
USDA/NRCS 'NetNewsLinks:
NRCS National Water and Climate Center Snow-Precipitation Update for the West
NRCS Legislative Summaries

Also on the 'Net:
NEW! Gulf of Mexico Program's homepage Two conservation education items developed by the NRCS public affairs staff in Temple, Texas received the most hits on the Gulf of Mexico Program's homepage. "What on Earth is Soil?" and "What on Earth do You Know About Water" were the top two items out of 30 listings.
Howdy Howdy Ag and Farm Search Engine: Surf this large database of categorized Ag sites
AGRICOLA: USDA's AGRICultural Online Access
e-Notes from NACD: Weekly news briefs from the National Association of Conservation Districts
National Interagency Fire Center
NEW! Ag Day - the nationally syndicated (200 stations) daily program - aired three stories this week on the NRCS snow survey. You can check out Ag Day program features at http://www.agday.com/.
Conference & Training Connection!
See the alphabetical-by-subject list of upcoming events.
See NEW! additions under under Soil Science and GIS.


Backyard Conservation Contest - Bibb County, Alabama - Thirty-six students recently competed in a Backyard Conservation Contest sponsored by the Bibb County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) with assistance from NRCS and the Tombigbee Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Council. The contest was designed to instill in the students a desire to conserve natural resources and to make them familiar with assistance available from districts and NRCS. All contestants completed a written examination. The three students earning the highest scores were asked to create a backyard conservation project and a basic conservation plan outlining practices they would implement. Bibb County SWCD Supervisors judged the completed projects. The first place winner, who created a backyard fishpond showcasing numerous varieties of water plants, was awarded a computer, monitor, and printer. Your contact is Joan Love Smith at 334-887-4506 or joan.smith@al.usda.gov.

California Field Office Conservationist Works with School Children - Lamaia Hoffman, NRCS Salinas, California soil conservationist, recently took local school children on an Equity Leadership Program (ELP) outing. It was her seventh ELP outing as a field guide, reaching out to local kids encouraging them to explore the natural world around them. Through activities such as describing the soil, water, and air in the watershed, from the top of the watershed to the beach, the program encourages children to see their activities through the perspective of a natural resource management professional. "This effort was created to attract kids from diverse ethnic and educational backgrounds to professions in forestry, natural resources, and agricultural sciences in the hope that they will create a more diverse human resource pool from which to draw," Hoffman said. "But by the fact that this is my seventh outing, it's obvious that I simply like working and being with the kids," she added. Your contact is Jolene Lau, NRCS Public Affairs Specialist, at 831-754-1595 or jolene.lau@ca.usda.gov.

Indiana Holds First Multi-Agency Diversity Training - Indiana recently held its first multi-agency, "Celebrating Our Diversity" training for 800 participants. State and local conservation partners joined NRCS, Farm Service Agency, Rural Development, Risk Management Agency, and National Agricultural Statistics Service employees at three local high schools for the combined training event. Speakers encouraged participants to understand and respect all cultures, talents, and insights in order to enhance society as well as workplace diversity. A nationally recognized diversity consultant elaborated on diversity concepts. In addition to breakout sessions, presentations by local speakers, and a multicultural lunch, a drama team acted out common workplace situations employing audience interaction techniques. Participants expressed appreciation for the efforts that contributed to a successful seminar. Your contact is Mike McGovern at 317-290-3222 ext. 324 or mmcgover@in.nrcs.usda.gov

NRCS Nebraska Employees Assist with Groundwater Study - NRCS Irrigation Water Management Specialist Kevin Breece and student trainee Paul Woodward participated in a University of Nebraska at Lincoln (UNL) graduate student research project last month. Staff from the UNL Geology Department, Central Platte Natural Resource Conservation District (NRD), and NRCS assisted with a study to find a relationship between a local stream's flow and groundwater levels. NRCS staff measured water table levels during the initial operation of a pump at one of the monitoring wells. Stream gauging tests were taken both upstream and downstream by the Central Platte NRD. Measurements will be ongoing. NRCS and the students hope to gain a better understanding of the relationship between ground and surfacewater and stream flow levels. Your contact is Pat McGrane, NRCS Public Affairs Specialist, at 402-437-5328 or pat.mcgrane@ne.usda.gov.

Tennessee Hatchie River Action Team Gears Up - Erosion rates on cropland in West Tennessee are among the most serious in the Nation. While the soils are highly productive, they are also highly erodible. Tennessee NRCS recently joined with a group of individuals, organizations, and agencies to form a group called the Hatchie River Action Team (HRAT). The team plans to accelerate installation of measures and best management practices to alleviate erosion and siltation problems that plague the area. Numerous practices have already been implemented, and designs for two grade control structures on Richland Creek, which is a tributary to the Hatchie River, have been completed. Your contact is Richard West, NRCS Tennessee Assistant State Conservationist for Field Office Operations, at 901-668-0700, ext. 3.

NRCS, Plus Cooperation, Times History, Equals Success - Buddy Hodges was having a water problem every time that it rained in north central Texas. Years ago, before Lyndon Johnson became President, LBJ was farming the property next to Hodges'. After Johnson became President, his ranch became a National Historical Park and in the following years, grass in a waterway between the two ranches grew and collected silt. When it rained, water flowed into Hodges' field, breaking his terraces and causing erosion. Hodges and Edward Meier, Ranching Maintenance Supervisor for the National Park Service, got together and called in the NRCS Fredericksburg, Texas, field office. NRCS did a topographic survey of the field and the waterway, designed two diversion terraces, brought in a contractor, staked out the site, pitched in with plenty of "sweat equity" and drainage terraces were built. Once again, NRCS spells (or equals) success. Your contact is Harold Bryant, NRCS Public Affairs Specialist, at 254-742-9811 or harold.bryant@tx.usda.gov.


Soil Survey Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) Signed - Alabama signed an agreement this week to commence soil survey updates on Anniston Army Depot and Redstone Arsenal and to start soil mapping in FY 2001. An MOU was also signed with Alabama A&M University to establish an MLRA Soil Survey Project Office on campus. The office will manage the updating of soil surveys in Alabama's Tennessee Valley area. Your contact is Julie Best at 334-887-4549 or julie.best@al.usda.gov.


Alaska Soil Scientist Receives National Recognition - Mark Clark, soil survey project leader at the NRCS Alaska State Office, in Anchorage, has been selected by the National Soil Survey staff as NRCS Soil Scientist of the Year. Nominations for this award are received from throughout the United States. Clark was recognized for his exemplary achievements in leading top quality resource inventories, his development and use of innovative field methodologies, his educational activities including professional papers and lectures, and his outstanding interaction with National Cooperative Soil Survey partners. Clark is currently project leader for the six-million-acre soil and natural resource survey of Denali National Park. Your contact is Joe Moore, NRCS Alaska, at 907-761-7700.

Milwaukee's "Blue Ribbon" Publications - Two publications produced through NRCS EQIP Education Assistance funds were recently selected as Blue Ribbon Winners at the 2000 American Society of Agricultural Engineers International Meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The publications, "Manure Management Choices for Wisconsin Dairy and Beef Cattle Operations," and "Residue Management Choices: A Guide for Managing Crop Residues in Corn and Soybeans," were produced by NRCS and the Wisconsin Multi-agency Land and Water Education Team as part of a series on conservation choices for landowners. - Your contact is Renae Anderson, NRCS Public Affairs Specialist, at 608-276-8732 ext. 227 or randerso@wi.nrcs.usda.gov.


New Report Will Detail Animal Agriculture and Manure Production - A new report on animal agriculture and manure production will soon be released by NRCS. The report, written by Robert Kellogg, Resource Assessment Division, Charles Lander, Ecological Sciences Division, David Moffitt, National Water Management Center, Fort Worth, Texas, and Noel Gollehon, Economic Research Service, is entitled "Manure Nutrients Relative to the Capacity of Cropland and Pastureland to Assimilate Nutrients: Spatial and Temporal Trends for the U.S." Data from the Census of Agriculture were used to estimate livestock populations, quantities of manure produced, and land available for manure application. The analysis shows dramatic shifts in the size and type of livestock operations. As the structure of animal agriculture has shifted toward fewer but larger livestock operations, increased problems associated with the utilization and disposal of animal wastes have occurred. Your contact is Chuck Lander, NRCS Ecological Sciences Division, at 202-690-0249.


Secretary Glickman Declares Four Additional Texas Counties as Agricultural Disaster Areas - After touring drought-stricken farms in Texas this week, Secretary Glickman designated Howard, Reeves, Val Verde, and Wise counties as primary agricultural disaster areas making all qualified family-sized farm operators in both primary and contiguous counties eligible for low-interest emergency loans from USDA's Farm Service Agency. Also eligible, because they are contiguous, are the following 20 counties: Borden, Cooke, Crockett, Dawson, Denton, Edwards, Glasscock, Jack, Jeff Davis, Kinney, Martin, Mitchell, Montague, Parker, Pecos, Scurry, Sterling, Sutton, Tarrant, and Terrell. In recent months, the Secretary has declared 153 Texas counties agricultural disaster areas. For more information, visit the USDA website at http://www.usda.gov/news/releases/2000/08/0287.htm.



September 1, 2000

As a service to NRCS personnel and the agency's partners, "NRCS This Week" offers the following by-subject list of conferences and training sessions. To add an event, please send an e-mail message to fred.jacobs@usda.gov

Air Quality
Animal Residuals Management
Carbon Sequestration
Dam Safety
Environmental Education
Farmland Preservation
Grazing Land & Grassland
Mining & the Environment
Plant Materials
Resource Conservation & Development
NEW! Soil Science
Water Quality

Fragmentation 2000-A Conference on Sustaining Private Forests in the 21st Century
September 17-20
Annapolis, Maryland
An examination of the forces that are fragmenting American working lands and forests. Contact: Lester DeCoster on (703) 860-2513, and at lesdecoster@worldnet.att.net To submit papers, contact: Terri Bates at 3325 Rose Lane, Falls Church, Virginia 22042. Her telephone number: (703) 538-1134, and at Bates-Stasny@erols.com To get updates, articles, and registration material (coming soon), click on http://www.sampsongroup.com/FragCon/frag_conf.htm
International Poplar Commission 2000 Conference
Sept. 24-30
Portland, Oregon
Will include scientists and practitioners from more than 32 countries. The theme: "Poplar and Willow Culture: Meeting the Needs of Society and the Environment." Papers will be presented in working group sessions, including Poplar and Willow Breeding, Diseases, Insects and Other Animal Pests, Production and Environmental Systems, and Logging and Utilization. The Web site is http://www.ncfes.umn.edu/IPC2000/
Forest Utilization Conference
May 1-3, 2001
Wagoner OK
The Ouachita Mountains Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. will sponsor its 6th annual Forest Utilization Conference and Equipment Exposition at the Western Hills Guest Resort in Sequoyah State Park on the shores of Lake Fort Gibson. For information, contact Gary Garman, Coordinator for Ouachita Mountains RC&D Council, at (918)-423-2479, fax 918-423-0793, email omrcandd@icok.net or visit the web site http://www.icok.net/~omrcandd
Southern Forest Science Conference: Contributions of Forest Research to Sustainable Forestry Preliminary Conference Announcement and Call for Papers
November 26 - 28, 2001
Renaissance Waverly Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia
The Southern Forest Science Conference will highlight the history and future of research in sustainable forestry. The conference is for anyone interested in the science of southern forests and is open to researchers, research managers and research users as well as policymakers, landowners and other interested stakeholders. Call for Papers: Topics, deadlines and other information can be found at the conference website at http://www.southernforestscience.net/ For more information contact www.southernforestscience.net or the USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station at (828)-257-4302.

Air Quality
Future Directions in Air Quality Research
February 12-15, 2001
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Conference topics will focus on ecological, atmospheric, regulatory/policy and educational issues. The conference is sponsored by the Air Resources Research Consortium. For more information contact Sherrie Knott at (919) 515-2261 or visit the conference website at http://www2.ncsu.edu/cpe/airqualconf.html

Animal Residuals Management
The 2000 National Poultry Waste Management Symposium
October 16-18
Sheraton Fontainebleau Hotel, Ocean City, Maryland
The 2000 National Poultry Waste Management Symposium will communicate the latest technology and information regarding poultry waste management. The symposium is targeted to meet current and future needs of the poultry industry when responsibly dealing with environmental issues. The program begins with a general session covering broad topics related to poultry by-products and social issues, followed by concurrent sessions addressing specific issues such as air and water quality, utilization and marketing alternatives and regulation. For more information, contact Richard Reynnells National Program Leader, Animal Production Systems at (202) 401-5352, fax: (202) 401-5179 e-mail: rreynnells@reeusda.gov
Animal Residuals Management Conference--Issues and Solutions
November 12-14
Kansas City, Missouri
The conference will feature three session tracks: issues and environmental assessments, solutions and technology, and policy. Topics include: applied solutions for animal manure use and disposal, nutrient management in watersheds, public health risks associated with agricultural use of animal manure, and case studies on the beneficial use of animal manure. Deadline for submittal of abstracts is June 23. For details, contact: Water Environment Federation, 601 Wythe Street, Alexandria, Virginia, 22314-1994. Phone: (703) 684-2438. NRCS co-sponsors.
Innovative Technologies for Planning Animal Feeding Operations
December 4-6, 2000
Renaissance Denver Hotel, Denver, Colorado
Workshops include: "Comprehensive Nutrient Management Planning (CNMP)" and "Seepage Control in Ag Waste Ponds" Other topics include: emerging technologies associated with animal feeding operations which can be adapted to the Great Plains; land application technologies; alternative uses of manure; air quality control strategies including ammonia, dust, odor, and green house gasses; systems approach to CNMP; planning to prevent adverse environmental impacts; monitoring AFOs; diet/feed additives; and handling animal mortality. Exhibit and poster space available. For more information, contact Ron.Schierer@ks.nrcs.usda.gov or Myron Senechal at 701-530-2085 or Myron.Senechal@nd.usda.gov.

Carbon Sequestration
Advances in Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Inventory, Measurements and Monitoring.
October 3-5, 2000
Raleigh, North Carolina
The conference will cover forest, agriculture, rangeland, wetland, and urban landscapes in the U.S. Focus is on terrestrial ecosystem carbon measurements, monitoring, and mitigation strategies. Objectives: Evaluate current methodologies and identify knowledge gaps in terrestrial ecosystem carbon measurement and monitoring; propose priorities and standardization for terrestrial carbon monitoring, and data collection; and evaluate current and propose new experimental designs and outputs for increasing carbon storage. For more information visit http://www.sgcp.ncsu.edu/conference/ or contact Steven McNulty, conference chair, at (919) 515-9489 email: steve_mcnulty@ncsu.edu

Dam Safety
Dam Safety 2000
September 26-29
Providence, Rhode Island
ASDSO's 17th Annual Conference.
For meeting information about the meeting, visit the website at http://www.damsafety.org/confer_train.html

Environmental Education
North American Association for Environmental Education National Conference
October 17-21
South Padre Island, Texas
The conference theme is "Spanning Cultural and Ecological Diversity through Environmental Education." Learn more about the conference, at http://www.naaee.org
New Beginnings, ASFMRA 2000 Annual Convention & Trade Show
November 9-11, 2000
Opryland Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee
The theme is New Beginnings, and the program includes an in-depth look at key issues in the future of agriculture, including a session with Jim Lyons.
For more information about the conference, visit the website at http://www.asfmra.org/fmeetings.htm

Farmland Preservation
Pennsylvania Farmland Preservation Association (PFPA)
October 10 & 11
Avalon Hotel, Erie, Pennsylvania
PFPA is an organization of county program administrators for the Pennsylvania Farmland Protection Program.
For more information about the conference, contact Betty Reefer, PFPA President, at RR 12 Box 202-B Donohoe Center, Greensburg, PA 15601 or bcr54321@aol.com
Winning Through Wise Land Use Conference
March, 2001
Tennessee, Federal and private partners will conduct a seminar for developers, conservationists, and others interested in lessening the impact of development on the State's natural resources. For more information contact Larry Blick, NRCS Assistant State Conservationist for Field Support, at 615-736-5490 or lblick@tn.nrcs.usda.gov

4th International Conference on Integrating Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Environmental Modeling
September 2-8
The Banff Centre for Conferences, Banff, Alberta, Canada. For more information, contact gisem4@colorado.edu or visit the conference website at http://www.colorado.edu/research/cires/banff
NEW! SOFOR GIS 2000 3rd Southern Forestry GIS Conference
October 10-12
Athens, Georgia
For more information, contact William G. Hubbard, Cooperative Extension Service, at 706-542-7813 or < whubbard@uga.edu>, or visit the conference website at http://www.soforgis.net/.

Grazing Land & Grassland
Grasstravaganza 2000
October 27-28
Syracuse, New York
The South Central New York Resource Conservation and Development Project, Inc. will host Grasstravaganza 2000! a two day, conference on topics pertinent to grass-based agriculture at the Wyndham Syracuse Hotel in Syracuse NY. For more information, contact Kim Handy at 607-334-3231, ext. 4 or kimberly.handy@ny.usda.gov Register on-line at https://secure.btittc.com/register/grass2000.htm.
First National Conference on Grazing Lands
December 5-8
Las Vegas, Nevada
Economic and environmental effects of proper grazing lands management. Sponsored by NACD, Grazing Lands and Public Lands Committee, the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI), and others. Abstracts for oral and poster papers accepted until April 1. Contact John W. Peterson, NCGL Program Manager, by phone on (703) 455-4387, or fax at (703) 455-6886, or by e-mail on jwpeterson@erols.com

21st Annual International Irrigation Show
November 12 – 14
Phoenix Civic Plaza, Phoenix, Arizona
The Irrigation Association's 21st irrigation show will feature the American Society of Agricultural Engineers' 4th Decennial National Irrigation Symposium. Irrigation training opportunities are available prior to, during, and after the show. For more information about the show, visit the website at http://www.irrigation.org.
4th Decennial (every 10 years) National Irrigation Symposium
November 14 - 16
Phoenix Civic Plaza, Phoenix, Arizona
American Society of Agricultural Engineers will host a symposium featuring numerous irrigation technical presentations For more information about the symposium, visit the website at www.asae.org.

Mining & the Environment
Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste
January 15-18, 2001
Fort Collins, Colorado
A forum for members of the mining community, engineers, and scientists concerned with environmental issues related to tailings and mine waste management. Abstracts due by June 2. To submit an abstract or for more information, contact Linda Hinshaw, Department of Civil Engineering, Colorado State Univeristy, (970) 491-6081, or at lhinshaw@engr.colostate.edu

Southwestern and Pacific Regional Meetings--National Association of Conservation Districts
September 10-12
Reno, Nevada
Contact Robert Raschke on (303) 988-1810.
NASDA 2000
September 22-27
Columbus, Ohio
Meeting of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture. Contact: Liana Lee, Ohio Department of Agriculture on (614) 466-2732.

Third Biennial Conference on Understanding Each Other and Working Together for a Better Future
October 24-25
Eugene, Oregon
Forum for agricultural interests, government, and environmentalists to discuss issues relevant to agriculture and water quality. Perspectives presented in a non-confrontational forum and others see and understand other points of view. For more information, see the conference's Web site at http://www.agwaterqualitynw.org
2001 National Association of Conservation Districts' Annual Meeting
February 4-8
Fort Worth, Texas
Contact Robert Raschke on (303) 988-1810.

Plant Materials
Plant Materials workshop for Native Americans
September 13, 2000
Big Flats Plant Maerials Center, Big Flats, New York
Particpanats at this NRCS and the New York Stae Sea Grant sponsored workshop will learn how the NRCS, Plant Materials Program incorporates plants into conservation programs, tour the plant materials center, discuss plant materials needed and how the Plant Materials Program and New York State Sea Grant/Cooperative Extension could establish sweetgrass as a crop. The workshop will also provide an aopportunity to learn more about Native American culture and how NRCS and it partners can work together to help provide plant material assistance to meet American Indian conservation needs. For more information, contact Diane Rightmire at 607-562-8404, fax: 607-562-8516 or dianne.rightmire@ny.usda.gov.

Resource Conservation & Development
New England Association of RC&D Areas Annual Conference
October 26-29
Newport, Rhode Island
For more information call, please call Susan Arrants at (401) 949-4418.

International Conference on Wood in World Rivers
October 23-27
Corvallis, Oregon
Sessions on primary research of fluvial processes, synthesis of policies and science to guide management options for rivers, applied research, and conservation perspectives. Co-sponsored by the Wildlife Habitat Management Institute. For more information, see the conference's Web site at http://riverwood.orst.edu or contact the Institute's Kathryn Staley at Kathryn.Staley@orst.edu

Soil Science
NEW! The 2000 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy
November 5-9
Minneapolis, Minnesota
The American Society of Agronomy, the Soil Science Society of America, and the Crop Science Society will host the annual meeting of the American Society of Agronomy. For more information, visit the meeting website at http://www.asa-cssa-sssa.org/olr99/. Registration packets can be requested directly from the American Society Agronomy Headquarters Office, 677 South Segoe Road, in Madison, Wisconsin 53711-1086. Pre-registration ends September 22.

Water Quality
7th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference
March 25-29, 2001
Reno, Nevada
Will provide Federal and non-Federal scientists and managers from various disciplines the opportunity to discuss recent accomplishments and progress in research and on technical developments in the physical, chemical, and biological aspects of sedimentation. Scheduled are tours, exhibitions, and presentations of papers. For more information about the conference, visit the website at http://water.usgs.gov/wicp/SED7FISC_crf.html

Seventh National Watershed Conference
May 20-23, 2001
Richmond, Virginia
The theme: "Small Watershed Programs: Past, Present, and Future." This conference will examine our Nation's rich history with upstream small watershed programs and will explore innovative ways of accomplishing watershed project objectives as traditional sources of assistance become harder to get. . For more information contact John W. Peterson, (703) 455-6886, fax (703) 455-6888;e-mail, jwpeterson@erols.com

7th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control
November 11-16
Lake Buena Vista, Florida
For more information about the conference, visit the website at http://www.ifas.ufl.edu/~conferweb/wpc/
Izaak Walton League of America National Conference
May 16-18, 2001
Orlando, Florida
Topics include: wetland education, restoration, conservation, and international issues. To get on the mailing list for the conference, contact: awm@iwla.org or call (800) BUG-IWLA (284-4952)


Please send correspondence and material for "NRCS This Week" to the editor by: e-mail to: fred.jacobs@usda.gov; or by fax to: Editor, "NRCS This Week," 202-720-1564; or by mail to: Editor, "NRCS This Week," NRCS, P.O. Box 2890, Washington, D.C. 20013


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