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Office of International Affairs

Multilateral Development Institutions

positions on projects with signicant environmental impacts

"The United States supported the Uganda - Private Power Generation (Bujagali) project at the IDA, IFC, MIGA and AfDB because the project is expected to confer significant development benefits for the people of Uganda. This expansion of power generation is crucial to help Uganda emerge from its current power crisis and create the growth needed to meet Uganda's development objectives. In addition, the United States supported the project because of the steps being taken by the project sponsor, the World Bank Group, and the Government of Uganda to mitigate adverse social and environmental impacts. For example, the Government of Uganda designated Kalagala Falls as a biodiversity offset, including the preservation of the Mbira forest reserve. In addition, we note the Ugandan authorities' intentions to adhere to the Agreed Curve in the management of the levels of Lake Victoria in the future, and their assurances that any deviation from the agreed release will be done in consultation and agreement with affected countries."

The United States Executive Director of each Multilateral Development Institution takes a position on all individual operations brought to the Board for approval.  In the section below, the reason or reasons for the positions taken are provided for all operations with significant environmental impacts that have been considered since December 14, 2005.   

Treasury Position on IFC Investment in Coastal Gujarat Power Limited April 8, 2008 PDF Icon

Peru LNG Position of the United States at the IFC February 5, 2008 PDF Icon

Inter-American Development Bank: Peru LNG Position of the United States: December 19, 2007

International Finance Corporation (IFC), Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), Proposed IFC Investment in and Proposed MIGA Guarantees for Orion Uruguay, United States Position Board Date: November 21, 2006


Last Updated: May 2, 2008




Loan Review Votes

Positions on Inspection Mechanism Cases

Reports to Congress

Positions on Operational Policies

Positions on Projects With Significant Enviromental Impacts


International Monetary Fund

World Bank Group

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Inter-American Development Bank

Asian Development Bank

African Development Bank