Welcome to Invasive Species Ireland...

Invasive non-native plant and animal species are the second greatest threat to biodiversity worldwide after habitat destruction. They can negatively impact on native species, can transform habitats and threaten whole ecosystems causing serious problems to the environment and the economy.

The Invasive Species Ireland project is a joint venture between the Northern Ireland Environment Agency and the National Parks and Wildlife Service to implement the recommendations of the 2004 Invasive Species Ireland Report. 

This website acts as gateway to the Invasive Species Ireland project. From here, users will be able to find information on a range of species, policy related to individual species or groups of species, and strategies to deal with species that threaten the biodiversity and economies of Ireland.

You are encouraged to join the Stakeholder Forum and get involved in tackling invasive species in Ireland. Invasive species are one of the greatest threats to the environment but with your help we can make a difference.

Current news and alert items

Pre-registration for the Invasive Species Ireland Forum 2009

Cick here to view current species alert informatim

Non Native Species Secretariat publishes ID sheets

BBC News highlight non-native alien threat in the UK

Get Involved

Browse Ireland's Most Unwanted species