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You are here: NRS Home / Research Units / Institute for Applied Ecosystem Studies: Theory and Application of Scaling Science in Forestry
Institute for Applied Ecosystem Studies

Institute for Applied Ecosystem Studies: Theory and Application of Scaling Science in Forestry

Our Institute mission is to develop the theory and application of scaling science to provide knowledge at relevant scales in forestry. Our research is guided by four principal concepts.

 [photo collage:]  left to right: insect damage on birch, logging for forest health management, Willow Creek eddy flux tower and Aspen FACE experiment ring.

Concepts for Research Focus Areas

The link between energy, climate, and tree genetics is key to developing fast-growing tree crops as energy feedstocks and to understanding the effects of climate change on natural and plantation forests, but critical knowledge gaps exist for both of these subjects.

Increased understanding is needed for climate change impacts on forest productivity, species composition, and the biogeochemistry of terrestrial ecosystems at multiple scales, and critical feedback processes between biological and physical components of the climate system.  Methods are needed for assessing the hazards, risks, and opportunities of forest management to make recommendations for mitigating effects of climate change on forest ecosystems.

The reciprocal link between the spatial and temporal dynamics of landscape elements and ecological processes is a first principle of landscape ecology, and we seek to use this link to make reliable predictions to guide management and policy decisions.

Innovative scaling concepts and tools are needed to integrate disciplinary research and translate forestry knowledge to policy-relevant scales.

Collaborative Research Programs

Aspen FACE Experiment

After 10+ years of research on above and below ground biomass, physiological, biochemical, and genetics studies, and insect and disease monitoring the Aspen FACE Experiment is looking to its future role.

Chequamegon Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (ChEAS)

We continue research in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), University of Minnesota, Pennsylvania State University, Carnegie Institute, and other organizations within the Chequamegon Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (ChEAS) group.

Last Modified: 09/16/2008