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Specialized Research Programs

Eastern Area Modeling Consortium

Eastern Area Modeling Consortium, Fire Weather & Air Quality Research

The Eastern Area Modeling Consortium (EAMC) is a multi-agency coalition of researchers, fire managers, air-quality managers, and natural resource managers at the Federal, State, and local levels working to

For more information, please contact Warren Heilman .

Northern Institute of Applied Carbon Science

Northern Institute of Applied Carbon Science

The Northern Institute of Applied Carbon Science (NIACS) is a collaborative effort among the Forest Service, universities, and forest industry to provide ecological, economic and social information that can be used to facilitate the development and implementation of forest carbon management.

For more information, please contact Christopher Swanston.

National Inventory & Monitoring Applications Center

an image of inventory plots on an aerial photo

The mission of the National Inventory& Monitoring Applications Center (NIMACs) is to develop leading edge forest ecosystem monitoring methods and tools to help the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program (FIA) and other organizations monitor forests and ensure that results are compatible across the landscape. Methods and tools will be applied in the Northern States but will have national significance.

For more information, please contact Charles "Chip" Scott.

Last Modified: 11/14/2008