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Age-Adjusted Prevalence of Any Mobility Limitation per 100 Adults with Diabetes, by Race/Ethnicity and Sex, United States, 1997�05

Although prevalence changes for all ethnic groups between year 1997 and 2005 are pronounced for most sex race/ethnic groups examined from 1997 to 2005, only Hispanic males exhibited a decrease in the age-adjusted prevalence of mobilit y limitation from 51.8% to 33.2%.. In general, the prevalence of any mobility limitation per 100 adults with diabetes was higher among women than among men. In 2005, the age-adjusted prevalence of any mobility limitation was 40.2% for w hite men, 55.8% for white women, 40.2% for black men, 58.6% for black women, 33.2% for Hispanic men, and 49.1% for Hispanic women.

Graph showing Age-Adjusted Prevalence of Any Mobility Limitation per 100 Adults with Diabetes, by Race/Ethnicity and Sex, United States, 1997�03

Year White Black Hispanic
Male Female Male Female Male Female
Rate Std Error Rate Std Error Rate Std Error Rate Std
Rate Std Error Rate Std
1997 50.6 2.43 58.2 2.14 60.1 4.26 61.3 3.52 51.8 4.43 56.3 3.74
1998 46.1 1.98 56.4 1.72 53.1 4.03 60.5 2.87 44.9 3.49 56.3 3.36
1999 43.5 1.98 56.0 1.74 43.7 4.08 53.8 2.77 38.8 3.21 55.5 3.42
2000 39.5 1.78 54.7 1.64 39.7 3.47 54.2 2.68 36.0 3.05 55.0 3.27
2001 40.2 1.74 56.7 1.62 40.3 3.37 55.9 2.80 36.7 3.03 54.1 3.01
2002 39.6 1.55 55.6 1.64 41.9 3.28 57.6 2.79 33.7 2.55 52.2 2.86
2003 41.5 1.64 56.0 1.66 40.0 3.27 57.7 2.98 36.0 2.90 48.6 2.82
2004 43.6 1.63 56.7 1.70 39.1 3.24 53.7 2.90 35.3 2.62 47.9 2.86
2005 44.6 1.99 58.4 2.02 37.7 3.94 54.2 3.58 36.4 3.41 48.9 3.50

Methods and Limitations

Detailed Data Table

Data Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics, Division of Health Interview Statistics, data from the National Health Interview Survey.  Data computed by personnel in the Division of Diabetes Translation, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC.


Page last modified: August 26, 2006
Page last reviewed: March 26, 2007