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OVER THE YEARS, and with the generous help of many sponsors, this community-based organisation has provided educative resources to enable the identification of common weeds that are posing such a threat to the Tamar Valley in northern Tasmania (and much else of rural Australia) and to suggest ways of dealing with them.

The Tamar Valley Weed Strategy is a community based organisation that has received tremendous support from a whole range of groups and individuals: heavy and light industry; landcare groups; municipal councils; Tasmanian Farmers & Graziers Assocn.; Federal and State governments and indiv idual landowners and farmers.

The technical information has been made available by the Dept. of Primary Industries, Water and the Environment (Tasmania).

We first published this site in August 1996, and are pleased that it may have encouraged others to follow suit. Our philosophy is simple: feel free to copy, print and redistribute the information within our site as much as you like - the more aware the community is of potential problem plants, the more likely we are to act when we spot them growing in our area. The only acknowledgement we ask for, is a link to this site.

If you have any comments or suggestions, or just want to say "G'day", please sign our Guest Book. We hope you enjoy the site, that you come back to us as we add more weeds and that you pass on this URL to others you think may be interested in the environmental health of rural Australia.

West Tamar Council

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Web Site design: Chris Payn