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We are no lesser people, Pacific tells world talks

File[Climate Change and Variability]By Samisoni Pareti (Pacific communications team)

By delaying actions relating to climate change, the world should not be saying that the lives of some people are more important than those of others. Nor should it imply that some cultures are more worthy of saving than others.

Small island states don’t want a “suicide agreement”

File[Climate Change and Variability]By Nanette Woonton (Pacific communications team)

The Alliance of Small Islands States (AOSIS) has told the United Nations Climate Conference they should not be asked to sign what amounts to a “suicide agreement” that allows their homelands to disappear, particularly when their contribution to the problem has been minimal.

GEF directed to improve timeframe for processing LDC Fund proposals

[Climate Change and Variability]By Makereta Komai (Pacific communications team)

The Global Environment Facility has been directed to consider a timeframe within which least developed countries (LDCs) can quickly access funds for the preparation and implementation of national adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs).

REDD will not exonerate developed countries, says PNG

File[Climate Change and Variability]By Makereta Komai (Pacific communications team)

Support for carbon trading through the new reduced emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) initiative will not “exonerate Annex I countries from meeting their agreed carbon dioxide emission reduction,” says Papua New Guinea’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Robert Aisi.
2009 Pacific Year of
Climate Change

Issue No. 2 now available

SPREP Highlights Thumbnail

Special Edition - Poznan Climate Conference, December 2008

Working Documents
4 - 12 September 2008
Federated States of Micronesia
Latest press releases
We are no lesser people, Pacific tells world talks(12/13/2008)
Small island states don’t want a “suicide agreement”(12/13/2008)
GEF directed to improve timeframe for processing LDC Fund proposals(12/12/2008)

Latest publications
Report of the Fourth Conference of the Parties to the Waigani Convention, 5 September 2008, Pohnpei (Federated States of Micronesia)(1/12/2009)
Report of the 19th SPREP Meeting of Officials and Meeting of Environmental Ministers(1/12/2009)
Approved Work Programme and Budget for 2009 and Indicative Budgets for 2010 and 2011(1/12/2009)


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