Invasive species

Sound biosecurity measures must be implemented in coordination with all Galapagos’ stakeholders. CDF provides technical assistance to farmers, SESA (Ecuadorian Service for Agricultural Health) and SICGAL (Quarantine Inspection System for Galapagos), Galapagos National Park, the Ministry of Agriculture and other governmental organizations.

Invasive species still represent the greatest threat to Galapagos biodiversity. Increased migration, tourism and commerce offer ever-increasing opportunities for these species to reach Galapagos.

CDF carries out baseline studies, monitoring activities, indicates priorities, develops and tests management techniques, and supports the development of local capacities to manage invasive species.

CDF has been an key player in the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Foundation (UNF) invasive species programs in Galapagos and helps local authorities apply the lessons learned from these. Project Isabela illustrates the success of these efforts.