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Drew Adam Helping Re-Build Agriculture in Afghanistan

Drew Adam (right) working with local Afghan officials (NRCS photo)

Drew Adam (right) working with local Afghan officials (NRCS photo — click to enlarge)

Where can my.NRCS take you?  Around the world and back, according to Drew Adam, district conservationist in Brattleboro, Vermont.  Nine months after applying for a position in Afghanistan from a vacancy announcement on my.NRCS, Drew arrived for a six month assignment as a member of a Provincial Reconstruction Team.  His job was basically doing what he normally does as part of his job as district conservationist in Vermont — helping provide access to programs that support conservation and agricultural reconstruction.  In Afghanistan, he was involved in reforestation projects and helped create a provincial agricultural experiment station.  Working with Afghan counterparts to USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service agents, Drew developed relationships with local farmers while dollars, equipment, and labor worked to make reconstructing agriculture happen.

fisherman in a Vermont farm lake

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Just as the military reports re-enlistments, so too are USDA folks returning to Afghanistan in impressive numbers.  While Drew would like to return, a young, growing family will keep him stateside this time around. But would he recommend it?  "Absolutely!  It was a life changing event. There was a lot of positive energy,” said Drew, recounting the kudos from the press, politicians, military brass, and other visitors who provided encouragement.  One of Drew's most memorable occasions was having dinner with Tom Brokaw, something that probably never would have happened back home in Vermont. When asked if would do it all over again, Drew responded with an emphatic “yes!”
Your contact is Anne Hilliard, NRCS public affairs specialist, at 802-951-6796, ext. 234.