SAIN Web Map Services Tutorial

A tutorial is available to assist users with using the SAIN Live Maps and Data mapping applications. The tutorial is divided into three sections; click on any section to view the tutorial.

Section 1: Map

Section 2: Layers

Section 3: Legend

Map Layers Legend

SAIN Maps of the Region

This section contains interactive maps that display information concerning biological resources in the Southeast United States. The interactive maps are listed by the associated SAIN projects, and relate to themes such as invasive species, critical habitat, and regional environmental assessment. Project summaries provide a brief overview and links to additional geospatial applications.

These maps provide previews of selected datasets that are made available by SAIN through the NBII Geospatial Interoperability Framework. The sidebar to the right provides additional information about geospatial interoperability and how to use the geospatial data resources provided by SAIN.

Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture
French Broad River Watershed
Kentucky Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy
Oriental Bittersweet
Southeast Invasive Plants
Southeastern Ecological Framework
Tennessee River Gorge
Tennessee State Parks ATBI

Web Map Service Tips

Maps featured here are constructed by overlaying map images provided by Web Map Services distributed throughout the World Wide Web.  These map layers are listed in the NBII map catalog. 

By selecting 'Search Catalog' under the 'Layers' tab of each map portlet, users may search the NBII map catalog to add additional map layers.

Map layering functionality is enabled by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications for Web Map Service (WMS) and the NBII Geospatial Interoperability Framework

Additionally, users may embed maps from these map services in a web page or pull them directly into any computer-mapping Geographic Information System (GIS) applications supporting OGC specifications.

For detailed explanations of available mapping features, an online tutorial is available.


The NBII Program is administered by the Biological Informatics Office of the U.S. Geological Survey
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