SAIN Special Focus Areas

SAIN Special Focus Areas

SAIN Special Focus Areas

The SAIN strategic plan identified several focus area priorities for identifying biological information of the region for assisting and collaborating with researchers, educators, decision-makers, and the general public. These cross-cutting priorities are:

Forest Fire Thumbnail Graphic Fire Ecology - Information on fire, an ecological factor that affects not only ecosystems, but human lives and property as well. See the Southern Fire Portal for data, documents, tools, and other information resources.
Kudzu Thumbnail Graphic Invasive Species - Informing and enabling prediction, early detection, and rapid response. Download regional invasive species data, view interactive maps, and search the SAIN invasive species database for more information.
Wetland Thumbnail Graphic Rare Species and Ecological Communities - Information and data on regional species of concern and their associated ecological communities.
Forest Thumbnail Graphic Regional Ecosystems - Information on major ecosystem types in the region: mountainous ecosystems, forest ecosystems, urban/wildland ecosystems, freshwater ecosystems, and agricultural ecosystems.

SAIN Focus Areas Highlight

Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV)

eastern brook trout
Eastern Brook trout
Salvelinus fontinalis

The EBTJV is a pilot project under the National Fish Habitat Action Plan, whose aim is to improve restoration and education strategy for aquatic habitat for native Brook Trout. This project is a partnership between SAIN and the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources node (FAR).

Download data and view interactive maps regarding the population status of an important indicator species of mountain freshwater ecosystems. Also visit the EBTJV home page and the FAR node Brook Trout Project page.

Southeast Collaboration and Partnership Portal Community

Southeast Collaboration and Partnership Portal Community: A Framework for Sharing Biodiversity Knowledge

Partnerships and collaborations among diverse stakeholders including individuals, organizations, universities, and agencies enrich our understanding of Southeast's Natual Resources. Supporting existing partnerships and encouraging further collaboration, the Southeast Collaboration and Partnership (SECAP) portal community provides a web-based, secure infrastructure to foster collaboration among communities of interest encompasing a spectrum of issues related to management, use, or conservation of biological resources in the Southeast.

Southeast Collaboration and Partnership Portal Community Features:

  • Community Calendar
  • Task Management
  • Document Management
  • Discussion Threads
  • Push-Pull E-mail Notifications
  • Managed Access to the Portal Community and Projects

For more information and to set up a collaboration space, visit