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National Institute of Environmental Health SciencesNational Institutes of Health
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Global Research

Over the years the NIEHS has funded and collaborated in wide-ranging scientific endeavors in partnership with scientists and scientific organizations in other countries and continues to invest significant resources in such projects. These projects range from investigating the effects of heavy metals on children´s development along the U.S.-Mexico border and elucidating the role of aflatoxin in inducing liver cancer in people in rural China to researching possible genetic risks for preeclampsia in Norway and genetic mechanisms of host response to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in infants in Argentina.

Funding Mechanisms

For US-based researchers interested in global environmental health, a large number of research opportunities exist within the NIEHS Division of Extramural Research and Training.

Global Research Initiative Program for New Foreign Investigators (GRIP) – R01

The Global Research Initiative Program for New Foreign Investigators (GRIP) promotes productive re-entry of NIH-trained foreign investigators into their home countries as part of a broader program to enhance the scientific research infrastructure in developing countries, to stimulate research on a wide variety of high priority health-related issues in these countries, and to advance NIH efforts to address health issues of global import.

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Argentina  (3) Ecuador  (2) Mexico  (11) Slovak Republic  (1)
Azerbaijan  (1) Faroe Islands  (3) Netherlands  (1) South Africa  (1)
Bangladesh  (5) Finland  (2) New Zealand  (1) South Korea  (1)
Burkina Faso  (1) Germany  (1) Nigeria  (1) Spain  (1)
Canada  (2) Guatemala  (1) Norway  (7) Sweden  (2)
Chile  (2) Iceland  (2) Pakistan  (1) Switzerland  (1)
China  (9) India  (1) Portugal  (1) Taiwan  (1)
Croatia  (1) Iran  (1) Russia  (1) Tanzania  (1)
Czech Republic  (2) Italy  (1) Seychelles  (4) United Kingdom  (2)
Denmark  (4) Lebanon  (1) Singapore  (2) Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: 2/12/08