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Recommended Resources About Vegetative Treatment Systems

Last Updated: March 10, 2008 Related resource areas: Animal Manure Management

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The following are websites hosted by others and technical resources that are available on the topic of Vegetative Treatment Systems.

LPES Curriculum Small Farm Fact Sheets

Got Barnyard Runoff?
Need a Vegetative Treatement System for your Lot?

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Livestock Producer Environmental Assistance Program (LPEAP) maintains a website with many virtual tours of VTS, mainly geared to smaller operations. An article about their program. North Dakota State University maintains a website for Vegetative Treatment System Research.

NRCS Collaborative Report on Vegetative Treatment Systems for Open Lot Runoff is a collective set of recommendations by 15+ authors on topics of siting, planning, and management of Vegetative Treatment Areas. Download the entire report (8 MB) or individual chapters. Maintained by the Heartland Water Quality Initiative

Resources about Vegetative Treatment Systems can also be found at the Heartland Water Quality Initiative Website.

Using Constructed Wetlands for Removing Contaminants from Livestock Wastewater, Ohio State University

Iowa State University publication on Vegetative Filter Strips

The Crop Nutrient Tool developed by NRCS, is useful for estimating nutrient uptake capacities of vegetation species typically used for VTA’s

Page developed and maintained by Chris Henry, University of Nebraska Extension
Page reviewed by:Mark Rice, North Carolina State University

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