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Site Evaluation on the Farm

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This software provides information about the roles that soils, geology and depth to groundwater play in the protection of groundwater. A risk assessment portion helps determine the potential for contamination at a site based on information suppliedby the user. Created: 1991 by N. Engel, B. Engel, revised 2001


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The material you are about to view is a product of Purdue University.

This environmental software program was produced by Purdue University under a cooperative agreement with the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Although this material was prepared in collaboration with EPA, Purdue University is the author, holds the exclusive copyright, and is solely responsible for its content subject to the terms of the cooperative agreemeent. Limitations under the copyright, which allows for free reproduction and distribution of the software, can be found on the program's title page.

EPA continues to work with Purdue University in developing new environmental software and updating older material, and we appreciate being notified of any errors or other issues.

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