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Big River

Screenshot from Big River

Big River - an interdisciplinary multimedia exploration of the Mississippi River and its environs.

Big River offers an opportunity to enjoy an interdisciplinary multimedia exploration of the Mississippi River and its environs.

Old Man River is more than just a river. It is history, culture, a way of life, and a vast arterial repository for an incredible array of flora and fauna along, in, and upon its not always muddy waters.

Starting in the boreal forests of Lake Itaska in Minnesota, Big River tells the story of the 500 miles of the upper Mississippi until it joins the Ohio River at Cairo, Illinois.

The object of this program is to understand the Missisppi River ecosystem. The river is comprised of not only water in motion, but also its geology, biology, and anthroplogy. It functions like a complex organism, responding to changes in climate and weather, introductions of exotic species, alterations to its watershed, engineering modifications, and numerous human cultural influences. The program offers the user an opportunity to explore these many aspects of the river, and more, with occsional insertions of River Music and elaboarative videos.

(Created 2004 by S. Allen, R. Beltran, C. Nyquist, J. Kunkel, M. Schreiweis, D. Jay, R. Jay, A. Krause, G. Zywicki, M. Strickland, and D. Jones. )

Big River is the third in a set of three interactive modules (along with Biodiversity Around the Great Lakes and Habitat Management and Monitoring) developed by USEPA and Purdue University.


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