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Missouri Current Estimates
Updated 11/10/2008
2008 Crop   Current Year Previous Year Unit
Corn1/ Planted 2,800,000 3,450,000 acres
  Harvested 2,600,000 3,250,000 acres
District Estimates Yield 140 142 bushels
  Production 364,000,000 461,500,000 bushels
Soybeans1/ Planted 5,250,000 4,700,000 acres
  Harvested 5,050,000 4,670,000 acres
District Estimates Yield 38 37.5 bushels
  Production 191,900,000 175,125,000 bushels
Winter Wheat1/ Planted 1,250,000 1,050,000 acres
  Harvested 1,160,000 880,000 acres
District Estimates Yield 48 43 bushels
  Production 55,680,000 37,840,000 bushels
Grain Sorghum1/ Planted 90,000 110,000 acres
  Harvested 85,000 105,000 acres
  Yield 95 96 bushels
  Production 8,075,000 10,080,000 bushels
Oats Planted 15,000 25,000 acres
  Harvested 6,000 8,000 acres
  Yield 55 50 bushels
  Production 330,000 400,000 bushels
Rice Planted1/ 200,000 180,000 acres
  Harvested 199,000 178,000 acres
  Yield 7,100 6,900 pounds
  Production 14,129,000 12,279,000 cwt.
Tobacco1/ Harvested 1,450 1,600 acres
  Yield 2,100 2,200 pounds
  Production 3,045,000 3,520,000 pounds
All Potatoes Harvested 6,000 6,600 acres
  Yield 240 300 cwt.
  Production 1,440,000 1,980,000 cwt.
Cotton1/ Planted 310,000 380,000 acres
  Harvested 307,000 379,000 acres
  Yield 1,048 968 pounds
  Production 670,000 764,000 480 lb. bales
All Hay1/ Harvested 4,150,000 4,050,000 acres
  Yield 2.19 1.86 tons
  Production 9,075,000 7,528,000 tons
Watermelons Harvested   3,800 acres
  Yield   195 cwt.
  Production   741,000 cwt.
Apples Production 54,000,000 3,000,000 pounds
Peaches Production 8,800,000 30,000 pounds
Grapes Production 11,000,000 5,000,000 pounds
Pecans Production 960,000 5,000 pounds
1/ Current Year estimates from November 1 Forecast.
Livestock & Poultry Current Year Previous Year Unit
Cattle & Calves, January 1, 2008 4,300,000 4,450,000 head
Beef Cows, January 1, 2008 2,190,000 2,260,000 head
Milk Cows, January 1, 2008 110,000 114,000 head
Milk Production, 2007 1,678 1,840 million lbs.
Hogs & Pigs, March 1, 2007 3,050,000 2,850,000 head
Sheep & Lambs, January 1, 2008 82,000 78,000 head
Goats, January 1, 2008 94,400 81,000 head
All Chickens, December 1, 2006 9,401,000 8,801,000 number
Layers 20 Wks. and Older, December 1, 2006 7,302,000 7,048,000 number
Egg Production, 2006 1,903 1,910 million eggs
Turkeys Raised, 2007 20,000,000 20,000,000 number
Catfish Sales, 2006 2,060 1,723 thous. dollars
Trout Sales, 2006 2,345 2,649 thous. dollars
Honey Production, 2006 690,000 750,000 pounds
Equine, 2001 200,000 N/A head

Economic & Other Estimates Current Year Previous Year Unit
Storage Capacity, Total Capacity, 2007 730,000 695,000 thous. bushels
On-Farm Capacity 500,000 470,000 thous. bushels
Off-Farm Capacity 230,000 225,000 thous. bushels
Cash Receipts, All Commodities, 20061/ 5,621,258 5,652,968 thous. dollars
Crops, 20061/ 2,627,578 2,544,387 thous. dollars
Livestock, 20061/ 2,993,680 3,108,581 thous. dollars
Net Farm Income, 2006 1,697,325 1,636,754 thous. dollars
Agricultural Exports, 2006 1,461 1,298 million dollars
Farm Numbers, 2007 104,500 105,000 number
Land in Farms, 2007 30,100 30,000 thous. acres
Avg. Value of Land & Buildings, 2007 2,280 1,980 dollars/acre
Cropland Average Value, 20072/ 2,450 2,090 dollars/acre
Irrigated 2,950 2,750 dollars/acre
Non-Irrigated 2,420 2,050 dollars/acre
Pastureland Avg. Value, 20072/ 1,820 1,550 dollars/acre
Agricultural Cash Rent, 20072/    
Non-Irrigated Cropland 79.00 79.00 dollars/acre
Pasture 26.00 26.00 dollars/acre
1/ 2006 data revised August 1, 2007.
2/ Link to corresponding University of Missouri survey.
N/A: Estimate not available.