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America Saves Week 2008

Got savings? That's the question local extension educators in nearly 30 states sent an estimated 12 million youth and adults during America Saves Week, February 24-March 2, 2008. A report of extension's planned activities is available on the CSREES Web site. The Consumer Federation of America is the lead organization for America Saves; among their partners, extension led the most extensive effort to motivate Americans to build wealth, not debt. For example, at Hamilton County (TN) High School, about 1,000 students enrolled as Tennessee Savers. In Leavenworth County, KS, more than 2,000 employees got "save" messages. In Florida 's 67 counties, about 5,000 Americans at free-tax preparation sites learned how to save using the split tax refund. At the national level, eXtension announced where extension educators offer unbiased help with financial questions 24–7, 365 days a year.


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Last Updated: 03/28/2008