Journal of Extension

September 1980
Volume 18 Number 5

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Editor's Page
About The Word "Extension" (pdf)
Feature Articles
Program Evaluation: Extension Needs To Get Serious About It (pdf)
Kenneth E. Pigg
Evaluation research is a model Extension can use to collect information for making better decisions.
Energy Conservation: Feelings Influence Actions (pdf)
Satish Verma
Success in getting people to adopt energy conservation practices can be enhanced by efforts to help them see the energy situation as critical.
Concepts in Volunteer Management (pdf)
Rodney L. Kempton
Practical tips for Extension workers who manage volunteer programs.
Extension and Extension Cords (pdf)
Dennis D. Bejot
Is Extension prepared to accept the challenges of the electronic educational age?
Idea Corner
Some Cooperative Ideas That Work (pdf)
Roy D. Dillon
In Case Of Fire: Anatomy of A CRD Program (pdf)
William J. Rompa
Field Sampling Kits For Agents (pdf)
Tom Campbell
Research In Brief
Good News Travels Fast (pdf)
John Beasley
Church and State Issue? (pdf)
Helen D. Tunison, B.B. Maurer and John V. Bryson , Jr.
Copyright © by Extension Journal, Inc. ISSN 1077-5315.