Journal of Extension

January 1978
Volume 16 Number 1

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Editor's Page
Eye on the Doughnut (pdf)
Feature Articles
Motivation = Benefits Minus Costs (pdf)
Terry L. Gibson
Factors that help explain motivation
Toward Community Development (pdf)
Satish Verma & Philip A. Lewis Jr.
Eight community development principles
Helping Resource People Help You (pdf)
Leory Miles
Factors that affect a resource person's effectiveness
Research in Brief
Reader Use of Local Daily Newspapers (pdf)
R.L. Reeder
Student Participation (pdf)
W. Lee Pierce
Father/Son Partnerships (pdf)
R.L. Reeder
Recommendation Letters (pdf)
Phyllis Worden
Newspapers and Community Development (pdf)
R.L. Reeder
Decision-Making Patterns (pdf)
Irene Beavers
Media Effectiveness (pdf)
Phyllis Worden
Idea Corner
Special Supply Store (pdf)
Kenneth Copeland
Team Teaching--An Idea That Works for Me (pdf)
Adele R. Collier
Tools of the Trade
Supervisory Skills (pdf)
Marjory Mortvedt
Basic Supervisory Skills. Patrick M. Williams. San Jose, CA: Lansford Publishing Co., 1975. Total Module: $139.95.
TA for Management (pdf)
Marjory Mortvedt
TA for Management. Theodoare B. Novey. Sacramento, CA: Jalmar Press, Inc., 1976. 199 pp. $6.95.
MBO (pdf)
Marjory Mortvedt
MBO for Nonprofit Organizations. Dale D. McConkey. New York, NY: AMACOM, 1975. $12.95.
Search for Achievement (pdf)
Marjory Mortvedt
Search for Achievement. J. Hall. The Woodlands, TX: Teleometrics Int'l, 1976. Film (color) 30 minutes.
Supervisory Management (pdf)
Marjory Mortvedt
Supervisory Management: A Short Course in Supervision. Robert W. Eckles, Ronald Charmichael, and Bernard R. Sarchet.New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1975. 293 pp. $29.95.
People at Work (pdf)
Marjory Mortvedt
People at Work. Dave Francis and Mike Woodcock. LaJolla, CA: University Associates, Inc., 1975. 198 pp. $7.00.
Interviewing Skills (pdf)
Marjory Mortvedt
Interviewing Skills. Resources for Education and Management, Inc. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1971. Six audio cassettes and learner's guide: $10.00.
Copyright © by Extension Journal, Inc. ISSN 1077-5315.