Journal of Extension

Fall 1972
Volume 10 Number 3

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Editor's Page
Editor's Page (pdf)
Eldora E. Keske
Feature Articles
Unmet Needs in Educating the Undereducated Adlut (pdf)
Frank Riessman
Riessman, a national authority in educating undereducated adults, discusses some of the problems he sees in our present educational system. He suggests providing an accelerated career-oriented education for mature adults. Deficiencies in teacher training and on-the-job training programs are discussed. He believes that a great pitfall of a teacher is that he's not able to make contact via the curriculum to the learner, and is thus unable to reach the learner. After reading this, how do you rate yourself as an educator?
Family Planning: Extension Aides See Need (pdf)
Jean Brand
Program aides working with low-income women in Extension's expanded nutrition program say this clientele is asking for family planning information. Many aides are answering questions about the topic, but often without adequate preparation to deal with it or "official" sanction to do so. They're finding it difficult to ignore or separate these questions from others they receive from these women on homemaking or nutrition topics. Where do you stand in this dilemma? Do these findings suggest that Extension should officially establish an educational program on famliy planning?
Mobilizing Resources for Health Education (pdf)
Virginia Li Wang
If we are to meet the potential "national crisis in health care," health education must be an integral part of any Extension prgram designed to improve the quality of living. The author suggests that the expertise of Extension or community health educators in helping people identify their needs and organize for action can be used to mobilize resources-- actual and potential patients, professionals, lay people, community groups and specific agencies-- to launch and carry out such activity. Program innovations at the state and local levels in Maryland are reviewed.
Points of View
Points of View (pdf)
Idea Corner (pdf)
4-H Fund-Raising in a Rural County
David Kohls
Preparing the Urban Change Agent: The Mott Internship Program
Roger Hiemstra
Looking at You in Your Home
Helen T. Puskar
Research in Brief (pdf)
Technology Alone Isn't Enough
J. P. Leagans
Patrons of the Poor
D. Littrell
Widowhood and Preventive Intervention
V. McGaugh
Attractiveness Vs. Expertness in Communication
M. Miller
Morral Orientations of Student Activists
D. Stormer
Values Influencing Youth in Vocational Choices
D. Stormer
An Integrated Approach to Agricultural Extension
D. Littrell
The Community Attitude Self-Survey
D. Littrell
"Citizens in Local Politics: Nonparticipation and Unrepresentation"
D. Littrell
Training Police as Specialists in Family Crisis Intervention
V. McGaugh
"Universal Parenthood Training: A Laboratory Approach to Teaching Child-Bearing Skills to Every Parent"
V. McGaugh
An Evaluation on the T.V. High School Project of the Detriot Urban Adult Education Institute and Michigan Blueshield
M. Miller
Comparison of Pictorial Techniques for Guiding Performance During Training
M. Miller
"Induction Training Experiences for Cooperative Extension Agents"
C. Trent
"An Analysis of Belief Systems and Attitude Toward Change Among Presidents and Faculty in the North Carolina Community College System"
C. Trent
Book Reviews (pdf)
The Adult's Learning Projects: A Fresh Approach To Theory and Practice in Adult Learning. Allen Tough. Toronto, Canada: The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1971. 191 pp. $4.00 (paper).
Roy J. Ingham
Are They Ever Too Old To Learn? Huey B. Long and Curtis Ulmer. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., Publishers, 1971. 48 pp. $3.75.
P. J. Bergeaux
Challenge and Perspective in Higher Education. Francis H. Horn. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press, 1971. 224 pp. $8.95.
W. Hugh Stickler
Planning for Innovation: Through Dissemination and Utilization of Knowledge. Ronald G. Havelock. Ann Arbor, Michigan: The Universty of Michigan Center for Research on Utilization of Scientific Knowledge, Institute for Social Research, 1971. 533 pp. $8.00 (paper).
Patrick G. Boyle
Abstracts (pdf)
The Aged and Community Mental Health: A Guide to Program Development. Report No. 81. New York, New York: Committee on Aging, Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, 1971. 96 pp. $2.00 (paper).
Analyzing Social Settings: A Guide to Qualitative Observation and Analysis. John Lofland. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc., 1971. 136 pp. $2.25 (paper).
Black Americans: A Psychological Analysis. E. Earl Baughman. New York, New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1971. 113 pp. $6.95 (cloth), $2.95 (paper).
Crises of Family Disorganization: Programs to Soften Their impact on Children. Eleanor Pavenstedt and Viola W. Bernard, eds. New York, New York: Behaviorable Publications, Inc., 1971. 103 pp. $5.95.
The Disadvantaged Worker: Readings in Developing Minority Manpower. Lloyd Zimpel, ed. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1971. 280 pp. $5.95 (paper).
The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. Abraham H. Maslow. New York, New York: Viking Press, Inc., 1971. 423 pp. $12.50.
Group Processes in the Classroom. Richard A. Schmuck and Patricia A. Schmuck. Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, 1971. 156 pp. $2.50 (paper).
Model for a Humanistic Education: The Danish Folk Highschool. David C. L. Davis. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publisher, 1971. 132 pp. $2.25 (paper).
Nutrition, Behavior, and Change. Helen H. Gifft, Marjorie B. Washbon, and Gail H. Harrison. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972. 392 pp. No price given.
Old Age: The Last Segregation (Ralph Nader's Study Group Report on Nursing Homes). Claire Tounsend. New York, New York: Banstam Books, Inc., 1971. 229 pp. $1.95 (paper).
Paraprofessionals and Their Performance: A Survey of Education, Health, and Social Service Programs. Alan Gartner. New York, New York: Praeger Publishers, Inc., 1971. 152 pp. $13.50.
A Question of Priorities: New Strategies for Our Urbanized World. Edward Higbee. New York, New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1970. 214 pp. $2.25 (paper).
Selecting New Aids to Teaching. Richard I. Miller. Washington, D. C.: National Education Association, 1971. 21 pp. $1.00 (paper).
Social Issues of Marketing in the American Economy. Y. Hugh Furuhashi and E. Jerome McCarthy. Columbus, Ohio: Grid, Inc., 1971. 119 pp. $3.95 (paper).
Technology, Human Values and Leisure. Max Kaplan and Phillip Bosserman, eds. Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press, 1971, 256 pp. $6.50.
Ten Interaction Exercises for the Classroom. Dorthy J. Mial and Stanley Jacobson. Washington, D.C.: NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, 1970. 15 pp. $2.50 (paper).
Vocational Guidance and Career Development. Herman Jacob Peters and James C. Hanse, eds. New York, New York: The Macmillan
What is Educational Planning? Philip Hall Coombs. Paris, France: UNESCO, International Institute for Educational Planning, 1970. 61 pp. $2.00 (paper).


Questions & Answers for Authors
Q&A for Authors
Submission Instructions
Instructions for Submitting Articles
Review and Evaluation Process
Review and Evaluation Process

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