Journal of Extension

Summer 1965
Volume 3 Number 2

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Look Here First (pdf)
The Editors
Feature Articles
Professional Values (pdf)
Marjorie Brown
The quality of workmanship of professional persons in any practical situation is determined by the quality of thinking used in meeting that situation.
In-Service Training: A Fable (pdf)
Roy E. Moser
A successful team is made up of competent individuals trained in different disciplines, abreast of their own field.
Guidelines to Planning (pdf)
Gale L. Vandeberg
Planning Properly done is an investment of time that should pay high dividends.
Leader Development Through Planning (pdf)
Maynard C. Heckel
Program planning has built-in experiences that can help greatly to enhance leadership growth.
Extension and the Urban Environment (pdf)
Emory J. Brown
City people live in an environment different from that of rural people-they have different interests.
Predicting Successful Performance (pdf)
E. R. Ryden
Human characteristics important for superior job performance may be identified by studying successful agents.
Self-Concept and Leader Tenure (pdf)
Gerald W. Brog, Carl J. Couch
Continuance of discontinuance of the leader role is largely a matter of personal orientation.
Research in Brief (pdf)
Robert L. Bruce, editor
Factors Affecting Agent Programming
Agent Roles in Statewide Planning
Teaching Effective Use of Financial Resources
Evaluation of a Television Program
Counseling and Career Choice
Book Reviews (pdf)
Farm Goals in Conflict. Iowa State University Center for Agricultural and Economic Development, 1963. Available from Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa. 251 pp. $4.95.
Clarence M. Ferguson
Rural Life and Urbanized Society. By Lee Taylor and Arthur R. Jones, Jr., 1964. Available from Oxford Press, 417 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 493 pp. $7.50.
Eugene Ross
Continuing Your Education. By Cyril O. Houle, 1964. Available from McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, N.Y. 10036. 183 pp. $4.95.
Theodore M. Hyman
The Science of Human Communication. Edited by Wilbur Schramm, 1963. Available from Basic Books, Inc., New York, N.Y. 158 pp. $4.50.
Josephine B. Nelson
Traditional Cultures-and the Impact of Technological Change. By George M. Foster, 1962. Available from Harper and Row Publishers, New York, N.Y. 269 pp. $4.75.
Lloyd L. Rutledge
Group Discussion-Theory and Technique. By R. victor Harnack and Thorrel B. Fest, 1964. Available from Appleton-Century-Crofts, 440 Park Ave. South, New York, N.Y. 10016. 456 pp. $5.00.
Lester N. Liebel
Abstracts (pdf)
Expectations of Excellence. C.M. Oxley and Genevieve B. Oxley. California Management Review, VI (Fall, 1963), 13-22. Available from Periodicals Department, University of California Press, Berkeley, California 94720. Single copy $2.00.
Career Patterns of Part-time Farmers and Their Contact with the Agricultural Extension Service. Glenn V. Fuguitt. Rural Sociology, XXX (March, 1965), 49-62. Available from Howard M. Sauer, South Dakota State University, Brookings, S. Dak. $8.00 per year.
Planned Change and Systemic Linkage in a Five-year Extension Program with Part-time Farm Families. J. Gilbert Hardee. Rural Sociology, XXX (March, 1965), 23-32. Available from Howard M. Sauer, South Dakota State University, Brookings, S. Dak. $8.00 per year.
Education and Mass Mailing: Its Impact on Volunteers. Morton Plotnick. Adult Education, XV (Winter, 1965), 89-90. Available from Adult Education Association, 1225 19th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Single copy $1.25.
An Uneasy Look at Motivation Theory. George S. Odiorne. Training Directors Journal, XIX (January, 1965), 3-11. Available from ASTD, 2020 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53705. Single copy $1.00.
Community Leadership: Directions of Research. Charles M. Bonjean and David M. Olson. Administrative Science Quarterly, IX (December, 1964), 278-300. Available from Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Single copy $3.00.
Technology and Social Change. Eli Ginzberg (ed). 1964. 158 pp. Available from columbia University Press, New York, N.Y. $4.50.
How to Break In the College Graduate. Edgar H. Schein. Harvard Business Review, XLII (November/December, 1964), 68-77. Available from Harvard Business Review, Soldiers Field, Boston, Mass. 02163. Single reprint $1.00.
Encouraging Children to Learn: the Encouragement Process. Don Drinkmeyer and Rudolf Dreikurs. 1963. 162 pp. Available from Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. $5.65.
Individualizing Instruction. Ronald C. Doll (ed.). 1964. 174 pp. Available from Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, NEA, 1201 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. $4.00.
RFD: The Changing Face of Rural America. Wayne E. Fuller. 1964. 362 pp. Available from Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana. $6.95.
Continuing Education of Women. Marie S. Pfeiffer. April, 1964. 44 pp. Available from The Ohio State University Association, Columbus, Ohio. No price listed.
Man, Work, and Society. Sigmund Nosow and William H. Form. 1962. 612 pp. Available from Basic Books, Inc., New York, N.Y. $8.50.
Speed Reading for the Executive. Walter Pauk. Training Directors Journal, XIX (March, 1965), 15-19. Available from ASTD, 2020 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53705. Single copy $1.00.


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