Journal of Extension

Spring 1965
Volume 3 Number 1

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Note: The articles in this issue are available online only in PDF format. To view them, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Acrobat Reader is available for free at
About This Issue (pdf)
The Editors
Feature Articles
Chance Versus Informed Planning (pdf)
Royal Bank of Canada
Planning coordinates and schedules actions so that efforts are placed where there is most room for improvement and chance for success.
Adapting Extension to Urban Environment (pdf)
Emory J. Brown
Efforts to inform urban people that Extension is available will be ineffective unless changes are made in organizational structure, programs, symbols.
The Small Town in Rural America (pdf)
Glenn V. Fuguitt
Aggressive leadership, absence of controversies, a willingness to work, and a program for development could mean the difference between a stagnant and a thriving small town.
Frontiers in Home Economics (pdf)
Viola K. Hansen
Frontiers are basically the same as fifty years ago-but now have different forms, different settings, and new implications.
Educational Needs of Rural Youth (pdf)
D. E. Lindstrom
Rural youth planning on college have more help in making decisions than those not planning on college.
Intrinsic Motivation in 4-H (pdf)
Eugene A. Quarrick, Robert E. Rankin
Leaders should not overlook the fact that young people are capable of intrinsically "rewarding themselves" as they do certain activities.
Research in Brief (pdf)
Robert L. Bruce, editor
What Kind of Worker is Most Effective?
How Much Urbanization in Cooperative Extension?
What Is Expected of 4-H?
How Good is Programmed Learning?
A Theory for Rejection?
Book Reviews (pdf)
Perspectives on the Group Process. By C. Gratton Kemp, 1964. Available from Houghton Mifflin Company, 2 Park St., Boston, Mass. 388 pp. $5.95.
J. B. Copeland
Young America's Garden Book. By Louise Bush-Brown, 1962. Available from Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 280 pp. $4.50.
James C. Kemp
Our Changing Rural Society: Perspectives and Trends. Edited by James H. Copp, 1964. Available from the Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa. 354 pp. $4.95.
Eugene N. Williams
The Community in America. By Roland L. Warren, 1963. Available from Rand McNally & Company, Chicago, Ill. 374 pp. $6.00.
John K. Frizzell
The Management of Ineffective Performance. By John B. Miner, 1963. Available from McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, N.Y. 369 pp. $7.95.
Frank Zettle
Abstracts (pdf)
Attendance and Division of Labor in Voluntary Associations. W. Keith Warner. Rural Sociology, XXIX (December, 1964), 396-407. Available from Secretary-Treasurer, Rural Sociological Society, South Dakota State College, Brookings, S. Dak. $8.00 per year.
The Psychological Basis of Effective Training. S. G. Huneryager. Training Directors Journal, XVIII (June, 1964), 3-7. Available from ASTD Executive Director, 2020 University Ave., Madison, Wis. 53705. Single copy $1.00.
Urbanites Must Be Approached Through Recognized Information Sources. Jean A. Shipman and Nellie R. McCannon. Journal of Home Economics, LVI (December, 1964), 744-47. Available from American Home Economics Association, 1600 Twentieth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009. Single copy $1.00.
Tension Can Be an Asset. David E. Ewing. Harvard Business Review, XLII (September/October, 1964), 71-78. Available from Harvard Business Review, Soldiers Field, Boston, Mass. 02163. Single reprint $1.00.
Raising Our Professional Sights in Extension. Emily H. Quinn and Edgar J. Boone. Adult Education, XV (Autumn, 1964), 23-34. Available from Adult Education Association of U.S.A., 1225 Nineteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. Single copy $1.25.
Rural Poverty. Lee G. Burchinal and Hilda Siff. Journal of Marriage and the Family, XXVI (November, 1964), 399-405. Available from The National Council on Family Relations, 1219 University Ave., S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. 55414. Single copy (special issue) $3.50.
Probing Volunteer-Staff Relations. Developed by Council of National Organizations for Adult Education. 1963. Available from Association Press, 291 Broadway, New York 7, N.Y. $4.50.
Helping Other People Change. Stephen M. Corey. 1963. 89 pp. Available from Ohio State University Press, Columbus, Ohio. $2.50.
Agricultural Cooperatives: Strength in Unity. Alyce L. Jewett and Edwin C. Voorhies. 1963. 140 pp. Available from the interstate Printers & Publishers, Inc., 19-27 N. Jackson St., Danville, Ill. $3.75.
The Educational Uses of Change. Howard B. Holt. Phi Delta Kappan, XLVI (December, 1964), 188-189. Available from Phi Delta Kappan, Eighth St. and Union Ave., Bloomington, Indiana. Single copy 60 cents.
Span of Control-Conceptions and Misconceptions. Robert E. Thompson. Business Horizons, VII (Summer, 1964), 49-59. Available from School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Single copy $2.00.
Liberal Education and Home Economics. Jeanette A. Lee and Paul L. Dressel. 1963. 108 pp. Available from Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, N.Y. $2.75.


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