Journal of Extension

Winter 1963
Volume 1 Number 4

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About This Issue (pdf)
The Editors
Feature Articles
On Being Professional (pdf)
Lloyd H. Davis
Professionalism involves the mastery of a highly complex body of knowledge and the ability to apply this knowledge skillfully and perceptively.
Community Adoption Patterns (pdf)
Herbert F. Lionberger
Principles derived from diffusion research should provide reasonably reliable guidelines for promoting action programs.
School Missed by 4-H members (pdf)
Laurel K. Sabrosky
For most members, participation in 4-H events outside the local meeting does not jeopardize school work.
A Philosophy of Administration (pdf)
Richard E. Mcardle
You cannot give a man responsibility and authority and keep it yourself-the delegation must be made real.
Adult Education and Family Life: Part II (pdf)
Cyril O. Houle
To serve everyone will require a lifetime of learning in order to deal realistically with people existing at many levels of living.
A Conception of 4-H: Part II (pdf)
G. L. Carter, Jr.
The agent or leader who understands the causation of human behavior can use ordinary subjects of natural science and real-life experiences to deepen young people's understanding.
Extension's Future (pdf)
C. A. Vines, Lowell H. Watts, W. Robert Parks
The real strength of Extension is the well founded, factual research available to be extended.
Book Reviews (pdf)
Adjustments in Agriculture-A National Basebook. Edited by Mervin G. smith and Carlton F. Christian, 1961. Available from the Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa. 367 pp. $3.95.
George S. Absher
American Women: The Changing Image. Edited by Beverly Benner Cassara, 1962. Available from Beacon Press, Boston, Massachusetts. 141 pp. $3.95.
Jean A. Shipman
A 4-H Handbook and Lesson Guide. By H. A. Willman, 1963. Available from Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca, N.Y. 314 pp. $5.95.
Robert F. Davis
Cooperative Extension Work. By L. D. Kelsey and C. C. Hearne, 1963 (third edition). Available from Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca, N.Y. 490 pp. $6.75.
Abstracts (pdf)
Review of Extension Research: 1962. Darcie Byrn. Federal Extension Service, ESC-544, October, 1963. 104 pp. Review copies available from state leaders in agriculture, home economics, and 4-H, key specialists, Extension editors, leaders of Extension studies and training, and agricultural college and experiment station libraries.
The Representative Function: Neglected Dimension of Leadership Behavior. R. Jean Hills. Administrative Science Quarterly, VIII (June, 1963), 83-101. Available from Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Single copy $2.00.
Graduate Study for Me? Mary L. Collings. Federal Extension Service, PA-522, December, 1962. 20 pp. Available from Federal Extension Service USDA, Washington, D.C. No charge.
The Seven Deadly Sins of Supervision. Raymond F. Valentine. Supervisory Management, VIII (February, 1963), 4-8. Available from American Management Association, Inc., 1515 Broadway, New York 36, N.Y. Single copy $1.00.
How the Supervisor Can Use the Exit Interview. Sylvia Auerbach. Supervisory Management, VIII (February, 1963), 4-8. Available from American Management Association, Inc., 1515 Broadway, New York 36, N.Y. Single copy $1.00.
The Planning of Change: Readings in the Applied Behavioral Sciences. Warren G. Bennis, Kenneth D. Benne, and Robert Chin (eds.). 1962. 782 pp. Available form Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 383 Madison Ave., N.Y. 17, N.Y. $8.50.
The Search for Ability. David A. Goslin. 1963. 204 pp. Available from Russell Sage Foundation, 505 Park Ave., N.Y. 22, N.Y. $4.00.
Understanding Culture. John J. Honingmann. 1963. 468 pp. Available from Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 49 E. 33rd St., N.Y. 16, N.Y. $6.75.
The Meaning of Work. Sidney J. Levy. 1963. 18 pp. Available from the Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults, 4819 S. Greenwood Ave., Chicago 15, Ill. 75 cents.
Focus: on Public School Adult Education. Third Yearbook, 1963. 208 pp. Available from the National Association of Public School Adult Educators, 1201 16th St., N.W., Washington 36, D.C. $5.00 to non-members.
Questions & Answers for Authors
Q&A for Authors
Submission Instructions
Instructions for Submitting Articles
Review and Evaluation Process
Review and Evaluation Process

Copyright © by Extension Journal, Inc. ISSN 1077-5315.

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