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Our animal images cover a wide variety of vertebrates and invertebrates from the Americas and Africa.


As animals of both land and water, amphibians are seen sitting in ponds, hanging from plants, and even inflating their bodies to discourage predators.

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The eight-legged arachnids include spiders, mites, ticks, and scorpions. We've started with some spider images. Check back as we add more.

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This image collection ranges from small, colorful hummingbirds to majestic birds of prey.

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Centipedes & Millipedes

Often assumed to be insects, centipedes and millipedes instead are in their own group, or "subphylum" in this case.

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Corals, Anemones, etc.

Corals, anemones, and jellyfish are marine animals that filter food from water. Soft-bodied, they rely on stinging 'nettles' for protection and, in the case of corals, also build hard cases of calcium carbonate to form coral reefs.

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Coming soon! Crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and barnacles.

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Echinoderm means "spiny skin" in Greek, a definite characteristic of this ocean-inhabiting group, along with a radial body plan.

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Extinct Animals

Fossils are the preserved, physical remnants of animals that lived in the past.

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Fish & Sharks

More images reflecting the diversity of these aquatic animals will soon be added.

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From insects to the structures they build, peruse a selection of images related to the most diverse group of animals on Earth.

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From the common red squirrel to the rare giant anteater to the blue whale, mammals are a related group of animals all having milk glands and hair.

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These soft-bodied organisms, sometimes surrounded by a tough shell (e.g., for snails and clams), sometimes moving freely (e.g., squid and slugs), live in diverse habitats.

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Found in tropical to temperate areas, the reptiles in this collection include snakes, turtles, and lizards, including images of all the geckos of the United States.

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Signs & Structures

Animals leave behind recognizable signs, such as tracks, waste, dens, and nests, which often can be used to identify species.

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Sponges filter food from water, and fix themselves to the floor, rocks, or reefs where water currents consistently bring nutrients. This collection currently contains images of the dried skeletal structures that support these animals.

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