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You are here: Topics > Organism groupings (non-taxonomic) > Nonindigenous species
Invasive species
Plant, animal, or microbe species that is non-native (or alien) to the ecosystem under consideration and whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm, or harm to human health.

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Results 11 - 20 of 26 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Biological resource status and trends: Terrestrial invasive organisms [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on terrestrial invasive organisms
South Florida Restoration Science Forum: Invasive exotic species [New Window]
Posters on the distribution and control of nonindigenous species introduced into southern Florida.
Florida Integrated Science Center - biological science poster presentations [New Window]
Poster presentations for Center for Aquatic Resource Studies projects related to Greater Everglades, marine and coral studies, ecotoxicology, manatees, coastal ecology, nonindigenous aquatic species, coastal ecology, freshwater fisheries, and herpetology.
California Information Node (CAIN) [New Window]
California Information NODE (CAIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure collects data and information resources critical to the study of California's diverse ecosystems, with an initial emphasis on invasive species issues.
Central Southwest/Gulf Coast Information Node (CSWGCIN) [New Window]
Central Southwest/Gulf Coast Information Node (CSWGCIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) is a gateway to biological information on Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, and the Gulf of Mexico Coast.
Coastal Prairie Research Program, National Wetlands Research Center [New Window]
Coverage of the Coastal Prairie Ecology Research (CPER) Team, National Wetlands Research Center, providing scientific information to aid the conservation, management, and restoration of ecosystems in the greater coastal prairie region.
Coastal ecosystems [New Window]
Coastal ecosystem research at the Western Ecological Research Center with summaries of current projects and fact sheets on research studies (PDF format).
Fire ecology research [New Window]
Study of wildland fire history and fire ecology such as plants in the Sierra Nevada forests, California shrublands, the Mojave, and Sonoran deserts to develop management techniques that will reduce hazards.
Florida Integrated Science Center - Gainesville [New Window]
Florida Integrated Science Center at Gainesville is the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies in Florida and southeastern United States. Site has links to projects on manatees, contaminants, invasive plants and animals, Everglades, and aquatic resources.
Northern Appalachian Field Lab, Leetown Science Center [New Window]
Description of scientific focus and research at the Northern Appalachian Field Lab on mining land use impacts and mediation, aquatic ecology, effects of dam removal, and invasive plant and animal species.
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