Take It Outside! 
Connect With Your Public Lands

"Teaching children about the natural world should be treated as one of the most important events in their lives."

The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) "Take It Outside" program promotes and supports outdoor activities and experiences of children on the public lands. The program strives to improve the health of our nation's children, families, and communities, while at the same time developing the next generation of public land stewards.

Children and Families

Woman and Child visiting public lands

Outdoor recreation and volunteer activities can help families realize significant health benefits through improved physical conditioning and strengthening of family bonds.  More>>

School and Youth Groups

Student testing water

Educating children in outdoor settings is a proven technique for improving student test scores and motivation; enhancing understanding of natural processes; and promoting attitudes of respect and responsibility.  More>>

Take It Outside Partnerships

Children planting trees

BLM's partner organizations contribute funding, goods, and services to support educational, recreation, and volunteer programs on the public lands. More>>

Take It Outside Network

Students visit Alaska's Cambell Creek Science Center

The Take It Outside initiative was prompted by a growing national concern that today’s children are spending significantly less time outdoors than previous generations and becoming more disconnected from nature.  The BLM is one of many organizations that are working to address this concern.   More>>

Take It Outside News 

Southern Paiute Youth Return to Traditional Homelands

A Paiute youth proudly displays split-twig willow  Photo by Scott Sticha, BLM.

Tribal members from six Southern Paiute bands joined National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management staff for the 2008 Yevingkarere Camp in Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument.  More >>