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Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center Resources

Last Updated: July 18, 2008 Related resource areas: Animal Manure Management

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Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center:Home Page Webcasts Topics Newsletter
Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center:

Home Page

Useful Information From Our Partners

In addition to many land grant university partners, the LPE Learning Center has been fortunate to benefit from the involvement of people from a wide variety of agencies and organizations that offer technical, financial, or other resources in the area of manure management. View Partner Resources

Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship (LPES) Curriculum

The LPES Curriculum is the result of a collaborative effort by several land-grant univerities and agencies. The curriculum includes:


The free monthly newsletter is your source of information about the webcast series, innovative manure management programs and resources from across the country, and new information available through the LPE Learning Center.

Webcast Series

The LPE Learning Center offers a monthly live webcast presented by one or more national experts. Presentations are recorded and available for later, on-demand access. Past webcast topics have included pathogens, alternative manure treatment technologies, CAFO regulations, and more.

Continuing Education Units

The LPE Learning Center currently offers opportunities for continuing education units through the CCA and ARPAS programs.

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