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Industry Alerts, Tech Notes, and Stakeholder Announcements 

This webpage provides access to industry alerts and tech notes currently available from the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).  The notices presented here are organized alphabetically.  Whenever possible, notices are available in mulitple languages.  Please feel free to print and distribute copies from this website.

For more information, or to obtain a copy of a factsheet, please contact APHIS' Legislative and Public Affairs Office at (301) 734-7799.
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A Letter to Leaders in Agriculture, February 2003

Animal Care Industry Report March 2003 (pdf)

Animal Movement Tracking Database, USDA to Hold Public Meeting on Privatization of October 05, 2005

Aquaculture Industry Report January 2002 (pdf)


BSE: Toll–Free Number to Expand BSE Surveillance Effort

Biosecurity Report: U.S. Department of Agriculture Releases Interpretive Report on Biosecurity Practices at U.S. Dairies


Catfish: USDA Publishes Catfish 2003 Reports

Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health Implements Electronic Certificates of Veterinary Inspection to Safeguard Animal Health, USDA

USDA Announces Artificial Christmas Trees Recalls Inspectors Find Asian Beetle in Some Lots (Stakeholders Announcement)

Civil Penalties Increased for Undeclared or Smuggled Agricultural Products - Industry Alert

Se incrementan las Sanciones civiles por contrabando o ingreso no declarado de productos agropecuarios


Dairies: USDA Releases Report on Antimicrobial Use on U.S.  October 14, 2005

Dairy 2002 Study: USDA Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health Releases Part I of the Dairy 2002 Study

Dairy 2002 Study: U.S. Department of Agriculture Publiches Second Dairy 2002 Report

Dairy 2002 Study: U.S. Department of Agriculture Publishes Third Dairy 2002 Report


Egg Oil: An Avian Population Control Tool

Emerald Ash Borer: USDA Establishes New Emergency Measures to Prevent Spread of Emerald Ash Borer

Emergency Preparedness Satellite Seminar, Mark Your Calendar! Eighth Annual

Ensuring Adequate Veterinary Care: Roles and Responsibilities of Facility Owners and Attending Veterinarians

Equine Industry: USDA to Study Equine Industry in 2005



The Horse Protection Act: Responsibilities of Horse Show Management  Tech Note


Implementation if International Plant Protection Convention Standard for Wood Packaging Material

Infectious Salmon Anemia Industry Alert

Infectious Salmon Anemia Tech Note (text or pdf)

International Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standard-Setting Activities, USDA Informs Public of

Interstate Movement Documents , USDA Begins Implementing Web-based


Johne's Disease on the U.S. Dairies, USDA Releases Interpretive Report on




Manufactured Wood Items from China - Questions and Answers: USDA Suspends Importation of Manufactured Wood Items from China


Nonambulatory Study, USDA Announces Nonambulatory Study

National Animal Identification Plan, USDA and Industry Developing

Nurient Management: USDA Releases Interpretive Report on Nutrient Management at U.S. Dairies



Poultry: USDA Releases Poultry 2004 Descriptive Report on Gamefowl Breeder Flocks in the United States

Poultry: USDA Releases 2004 Report on Backyard and Small Production Poultry Flocks

Plant Protection and Quarantine - Questions and Answers: USDA Suspends Importation of Manufactured Wood Items from China

Pseudorabies: USDA Recognizes Pseudorabies–Free Status of All U.S. Commercial Swine Herds

Pine Straw Retailers Protect Your Employees and Customers

Plant Protection and Quarantine Employees Uncover Pests in Imported Scented Pine Cones

Plant and Plant Product Transit Permits: USDA to Issue All Plant and Plant Product Transit Permits in Riverdale, MD

Plant Protection and Quarantine Stakeholder Meeting



Ralstonia Solanacearum Found in New York Greenhouse


Soybean Rust: USDA Provides Updated Forecasting Information for Soybean Rust

Smuggling Intervention and Trade Compliance Officers Uncover Pests in Imported Scented Pine Cones

Scrapie-Exposed Sheep, USDA Announces Plan to Expand Genetic Testing for the Interstate Movement of

Scrapie Study Esimates Prevalence in National Sheep Flock

Sheep Reports 2001: USDA Publishes Fourth Sheep Report

Sheep Reports 2001: USDA Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health Releases Second and Third Sheep 2001 Reports

Smallpox Vaccination, Veterinary Considerations Concerning

Snake Repellents

Spanish Clementine Imports, Regulations Governing

Spring Viremia of Carp

Sudden Oak Death: Federal, State Agriculture Officials Confirm the Sudden Oak Death Pathogen in Southern California Nurseries


Transit Permits for Plants and Plant Products Set to Expire

Treatment Schedules in Regulations, Plant Protection and Quarantine Codifies


Understanding Compliance Inspections Tech Note

Use of Lasers in Avian Dispersal Tech Note



West Nile Virus Economic Impact Study, Colorado and Nebraska State Veterinarians, Colorado State University, and USDA release Cooperative

West Nile Virus: USDA's Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health Release Outlook Findings for 2003 West Nile Virus in Equids Throughout the United States

White-Tailed Deer Populations, USDA Begins Field Trial for