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Home > NJ Real Estate Commission > Bureau of Subdivided Land Sales Control
Bureau of Subdivided Land Sales Control

The Bureau of Subdivided Land Sales Control (BSLSC), within the New Jersey Real Estate Commission, was created by statute to enforce the registration and anti-fraud provisions of the New Jersey Real Estate Sales Full Disclosure Act (NJSA 45:15-16.27 et seq.).

This Acts regulates the offerings of certain types of out-of-state properties, such as subdivided land sales, condominiums, and common interest ownership properties, when such offerings are conducted in, or directed into the State of New Jersey.

In January 2008, amendments to the Act were adopted. These amendments created an expedited filing procedure, known as a Secondary Registration, for those otherwise regulated non timeshare properties where a completed home exists, or there exits a contract to construct a completed home within two years from the date of contract by the seller or a related entity. More...

In November 2006, the Bureau assumed jurisdiction over timeshare offerings located in New Jersey as well as those located out side of New Jersey under the authority of the New Jersey Real Estate Timeshare Act (NJSA 45:151-16.50, et. seq.).

These laws provide an “even playing field” for New Jersey residents in these types of transactions by requiring developers to provide consumers with a detailed Public Offering Statement, escrow protection and a minimum seven day right to rescind a purchase without penalty.   

Prior to offering such properties in New Jersey, the developer must file a registration application and appropriate Public Offering Statement with the Bureau. The Bureau also conducts compliance checks of real estate brokers employed in interstate property and timeshare marketing, responds to consumer complaints against developers and their sales representatives, and conducts investigations into illegal and unauthorized sales promotions conducted in New Jersey.

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Contact Information

If you wish to obtain a list of currently registered properties, have a question regarding registration or an exemption, or wish to file a complaint against a developer, or agent engaged in the sale of regulated property, please contact us at:

New Jersey Real Estate Commission

Bureau of Subdivided Land Sales Control
PO Box 328
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0328
Phone: 609-292-8385, extension 50123

(Direct all e-mail communications to the attention of the Bureau of Subdivided Land Sales Control)

Complaints must be in writing and should contain the complainants’ daytime phone number, copies of contracts and other relevant documents and information received by the complainant.

OPRA is a state law that was enacted to give the public greater access to government records maintained by public agencies in New Jersey.
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New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance