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The 2009 Graduate Student Program Call for Proposals is now available.
Proposals are due January 28, 2009.

2009 Graduate Student Grant CFP (Word document)

Graduate Student General Fact Sheet

NCR-SARE Graduate Student Program Fact Sheet

Click here to access Graduate Student Grant Program documents

NCR-SARE funds Graduate Student grants in Sustainable Agriculture for projects that address sustainable agriculture issues and are part of the student's degree program. NCR-SARE instituted the Graduate Student grant program in 2002 for officially registered graduate students (Masters and Ph.D.) enrolled at accredited colleges or universities. Projects must benefit agriculture in the North Central Region.100 grants have been awarded to date for a total of more than $971,000. NCR-SARE awards grant funds for grad student projects up to $10,000, and projects may last up to three years. A candidate may receive only one NCR-SARE Graduate Student award during her or his graduate student career. Roughly $150,000 in funding has been awarded annually, for a total of about 15 grants per year.

The Graduate Student Review Committee evaluates proposals for their technical merit and relevancy. The Committee forwards its recommendations to the NCR-SARE Administrative Council, which makes the award selections. Funded proposals have contributed to farmer or rancher profitability, environmental quality, and the enhancement of the quality of life of farmers or ranchers, rural communities, and society as a whole. NCR-SARE strongly encourages students to involve farmers and ranchers in their Graduate Student Grant projects.

Annual Grant-Making Timeline

NCR-SARE usually issues a Call for Proposals in the fall, and Graduate Student Grant proposals are due in January. Usually, the Council announces the awards in the spring, and notifies recipients shortly thereafter. Funds are typically available in the fall.

We make slight revisions to our calls for proposals each year, which means it is crucial for our readers to only have access to the most recent call for proposals. To ensure that our information is accurate, we remove the old calls as soon as the deadlines have passed in order to avoid confusion.

2008 Graduate Student Projects Recommended for Funding

List of 2008 Graduate Student Projects Recommended for Funding

Abstracts of 2008 Graduate Student Projects Recommended for Funding

Personal Contact

A unique aspect of NCR-SARE is our personal contact with graduate students involved in the program. Bill Wilcke is our Graduate Student Program Coordinator. Feel free to contact Bill at 612-625-8205 or to email him at

If you would like to be notified of the Call for Proposals, please contact the NCR-SARE office at 612-626-3113 or e-mail NCR-SARE at




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