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Alien invasive species and international trade

2nd meeting of IUFRO Unit 7.03.12

26th to 30th May 2008

What was the event?


The meeting brought together scientists and regulators to explore issues relating to the risks of movement of alien invasive species arising from the enormous increase and speed of international trade.

Meeting summary

Programme, abstracts, presentations and notes from discussion session and business meeting

Of particular current interest to the group is the ‘Plants for Planting’ pathway which is increasingly being perceived as posing the greatest current risk of transportation of pests and pathogens, as well as increasing the potential for the plants themselves to become invasive. A discussion document has been produced by the Unit.

An earlier paper by Clive Brasier of Forest Research is also worth reading in this context:

Preventing invasive pathogens: deficiencies in the system (PDF-553K)

About IUFRO Working Party 7.03.12

Oral sessions

These included:

  • Mitigating pathways for movement of invasive species
  • Predicting which pests will be invasive
  • Early detection and rapid response systems
  • Information Sharing Systems
  • Mitigation measures
  • Biological Control
  • Impacts of invasive species around the globe
  • Restoration of natural ecosystems.

Who was the event suitable for?

Forestry researchers, plant health regulatory authorities

Where did the event take place?

National Conservation Training Center
West Virginia


Dr Kerry Britton
USDA Forest Service Research & Development


Organised by

Forest Research logo
Forest Research

under the auspices of
IUFRO logo
International Union of Forest Research Organisations

Hosted by:

IBL logo
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - National Conservation Training Center

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