The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.    
The Feral Hog in Oklahoma

Feral Hog  PictureIntroduction
Oklahomans have enjoyed or cursed feral hogs in the southeast and eastern part of the state for several years. Although feral hogs are oftentimes considered free ranging livestock in these portions of the state, there are many pros and cons regarding their presence.As hog populations expand across the state, the discussion of these pros and cons becomes more intense. Landowners, especially farmers, cringe at the thought of hogs becoming established in their part of the country. Many hunters, on the other hand, look forward to acquiring them on their favorite hunting grounds. To some hunters the hog represents a formidable trophy worthy of payment for hunting privileges. To some landowners, the combination of feral hogs and lease hunters makes having feral hogs on their property a bit easier to accept. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the feral hog will be around for a while, regardless of your opinion of them.

All photos by the author, except where noted.



  Next: History >
Current Status
Biological Characteristics
Range, Reproduction, Activity Periods
Food Habits
Competition & Environmental Concerns
Feral Hog Signs
Control - Trapping
Control - Hunting
Control - Fencing
Control - Toxicants
Control - Predators
contents © 1996 & 1999 by The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.

© 1997-2008 by The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.