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The Provider's Guide to Quality & Culture

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Patient Provider Interaction

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The quality of the patient-provider interaction has a profound impact on the ability of patients to communicate symptoms to their provider and to adhere to recommended treatment. It also has an impact on the patient’s feelings about being respected (or disrespected) as an individual, a member of a family, and a member of a cultural group.

Cultural competence begins with an honest desire not to allow biases to keep us from treating every individual with respect. It requires an honest assessment of our positive and negative assumptions about others. No stereotyping An organization can help its health care professionals begin to gain cultural competence through formal training, but for most people cultural competence takes consistent individual practice over time.

This section provides information that health care professionals can use to improve the quality of their interactions with patients whose culture may differ from their own. The information will help providers to examine their own behavior and assumptions, improve their communication with patients from a different culture, and provide high-quality health care for all patients.

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MSH Website
The Provider's Guide to Quality and Culture is a joint project of
Management Sciences for Health (MSH)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration.
Bureau of Primary Health Care
The Provider's Guide is
part of MSH's Electronic Resource Center, which is funded in part by the U.S. Agency for International Development.
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