Welcome to the USDA, APHIS, Plant Protection and Quarantine electronic discussion about evaluating the potential of imported plants to become invasive species!

Please click on the Federal Register notice below to read background information for this discussion. We have posted six specific questions for you to consider, although we will also accept general comments on the issue of evaluating invasiveness under question #7.

To read the questions, click on "Enter". Double click on each question to read it. To post a comment about any of the questions, click "new response" at top left of the question's page. You can respond to comments that other participants post in the same way.

If you need technical assistance during the comment period, please contact the
PPQ Helpdesk at 866-870-8617

Note: To post a comment, participants are required to enter their name and e-mail address. Affiliation and mailing address are optional. Only the participant names will be publicly displayed; the other information will allow us to contact you to resolve technical difficulties or request additional information or clarification. The comments you provide to a Federal Department or Agency may be publicly disclosed in a rulemaking docket or on the Internet.