Trade in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Trade in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
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Featured Publications

WTO rules for agriculture compatible with development
Commodity Market Review 2007-2008
Trade Reforms and Food Security - Country Case Studies and Synthesis
The Agricultural Dimension of the ACP-EU Economic Partnership Agreements
WTO Agreement on Agriculture: The Implementation Experience - Developing Country Case Studies
Trade Reforms and Food Security - Conceptualizing the Linkages
FAO Trade and Markets Division Briefs and Technical Notes
FAO Trade Policy Technical Notes and Briefs
FAO Briefs On Import Surges
FAO Commodity Market Briefs
About this site

World trade in agricultural, fisheries and forestry products totals some $480 billion annually (average 2000-2002, FAOSTAT). This trade is an important source of foreign exchange earnings and a crucial component of food security.


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