Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Columbia University
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Access interactive tools and applications available from CIESIN Web sites.

Database Query

Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI)
The ENTRI system is organized around a set of nine specific “issue areas” that are widely recognized by scholars and policy makers as being critical to understanding the human dimensions of global change.

ENTRI COP-Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicator Conference of Party Decision Search Tool
Powered by a Google appliance, the tool includes controlled “metadata” (coding of each decision document) to enable powerful advanced searches by date, COP number, or title of document. All decision documents are harvested and converted to PDF for consistency, but for reference purposes the original URL is listed. The tool currently includes decision documents from the first to the most recent COPs for ten agreements: Basel (transboundary wastes), CBD, CITES, CMS, FCCC, Kyoto Protocol, Montreal Protocol, Ramsar, UNCCD, and Vienna (ozone). Users may search across all ten agreements or limit the search to subsets.

Potential Impacts of Climate Change on World Food Supply: Data Sets from a Major Crop Modeling Study
In the coming decades the agricultural sector faces many challenges stemming from growing global populations, land degradation, and loss of cropland to urbanization. Although food production has been able to keep pace with population growth on the global scale, there are serious regional deficits, and poverty related nutritional deficiencies affect close to a billion people globally. In this century, climate change is one factor that could affect food production and availability in many parts of the world, particularly those most prone to drought and famine.

Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Data Access
This prototype online version of the Ramsar database is under development. Its purpose is to provide access to data and information relevant to wetlands. It will eventually consist of a multilevel, multidisciplinary, diverse resource base—including spatial, tabular, and graphic data—which can be searched via a suite of interfaces tailored to fit different user groups and/or varying levels of query complexity.

Online Mapping
SEDAC Map Client
Fully compliant with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Users may explore different thematic views of SEDAC global data holdings, or in the tool’s advanced mode may incorporate data available through other OGC services. Results can be saved as an e-mailable file (called a context file) pointing to the data layers, able to be shared with other users.

This page last modified: Jan 25, 2008