Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP)

[ Citation | Credits ]

Introduction Boundary Files PUMS Documentation PUMA Boundary Files
Street Intersections Standard Extract Files 1990 SAS Transport Files 1980 SAS Transport Files
Zip Equivalency Files Census Block Statistics 1990 Summary Tape File (STF1B) Enhanced Migration Files

Looking for historic U.S. census data? Try IPUMS


Welcome to the Archive of Census Related Products (ARCP), one of several efforts to support the Population, Land Use, and Emissions (PLUE) Data Project at CIESIN. This archive is a collection of georeferenced data files containing census information that spans the United States and its territories. This coverage will expand to include Mexico and Canada, establishing a North American repository for population, land use, and emissions data and integrated data products. These data files are value-added products derived from the original 1990 census files compiled by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. The major components are:

The products are available via FTP from the ACRP archive at CIESIN. Documentation describing the data and filename convention are included, as well as programs to facilitate format conversion and platform portability. The archive supports the integration of georeferenced population, land use, and emissions data by decision makers and planners for the analysis of human settlement patterns.

Organization of the Archive

Boundary Files

The boundary files contain census geographic entities extracted from the TIGER/Line Files, 1992. These data have been processed to create the following:

Spatial Coverage

United States


Boundary ASCII Format (BNA); The BNA file format can be directly imported into ATLAS GIS (SMI). It can also be converted for other desktop packages, like MAPINFO, ARC/INFO, SAS, etc.


Several format conversion programs (code) reside in /pub/census/.support/. These include:

Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) Documentation Files

directory path: /pub/census/usa/pums


ASCII text

Public Use Microdata Sample Areas (PUMA) Boundary Files

The PUMA boundary files consist of a 5% sample (apuma) and 1% sample (bpuma) areas for the mapping of 1990 PUMS data covering the continental U.S., Alaska, and Hawaii. These boundary files are created based on equivalency files generated by the Geographic Correspondence Engine (Geocorr). A national census tract to PUMA geography correspondence file is used in merging the two files resulting in the PUMA geographies. An additional file is also available consisting of geographic centroids for the PUMA coverages calculated by UIC (Urban Information Center/ Office of Computing, University of Missouri).

The purpose of this project was to address the issue of the absence of an authoritative boundary layer for the geographies associated with the Public Use Micro Sample (PUMS) data files. The results are available in standard formats for easy use within desktop geographic information systems. Technical documentation explaining in detail how the PUMA boundaries are generated is available in the archive.

Spatial Coverage

United States


The data files are presented in 3 widely used formats: Atlas GIS "agf" system format, ARC/ARCView "shp" shapefile format, and the "bna" ascii-export format used by a number of geographic import/export utility packages. Each format has its own subdirectory in the archive.

United States files

Street Intersections

These data files contain the location (latitude/longitude) of all street intersections found within a county. The files depict the English names of both streets intersecting, as well as, the location and unique "node" number (for streets which frequently intersect each other).

The files can provide a "nearest location" (i.e. a mortgage deed), or can be imported into a desktop GIS measure and copied to any geographic layer (i.e. census tract). A relative measure of "street density" can then be calculated based on the number of street intersections per land area or unit.

The files represent counties within a state.

directory path: /pub/census/usa/tiger/xx/csvisd (where xx represents the state postal codes).

Standard Extract Files

The standard extract files describe the nation's population and housing characteristics. These data files are organized by state and contain 225 FAFVAR (Frequently Asked For Variables) derived from 1990 STF3A, including standard geographic identification variables (Federal Information Processing Standards [FIPS codes]). Polygon centroids in latitude-longitude are also included. Population data tabulated for each polygon contains demographic information about age distribution, education levels, ethnicity, income distribution, labor force status, children, and housing attributes. Housing items include the size and state of the housing unit, value of the unit, water, sewage, heating, monthly owner costs and other related information.
directory path: /pub/census/usa/stf

Spatial Coverage

Entire United States


Comma Separated Value (.CSV)


Several format conversion programs (code) reside in /pub/census/.support/pub.census.usa.stf.0code.

1990 SAS Transport Files

The entire 1990 STF3A database has been grouped by state according to the state postal codes and subdivided by the following geographic summary levels: state and county (slvl=040 and slvl=050), county subdivision/mcd (slvl=060), tracts (slvl=140), blockgroup (slvl=150), places (slvl= 155), and others (all other slvls). The other summary level includes groups such as Indian reservations, tribal districts, congressional districts, etc. The tabulation geographies, the split-blockgroups (slvl=090), split-tracts (slvl=080) and split-places (slvl=070), have been extracted into individual files by state. A detailed description of the variables have been compiled in the file 3xptvar.lst.
directory path: /pub/census/usa/stf/xx/3xpt (where xx represents the state postal codes)

Spatial Coverage

United States


SAS transport (.XPT)

1980 SAS Transport Files

The 1980 Summary Tape File (STF3A) consists of over 1100 variables which contain demographic data from the Census of Population and Housing. Data files are included for 1980 mcd and tract levels. The file is located in:

directory path: /pub/census/usa/stf/xx/3xpt / (where xx represents the state postal codes), organized by state.

Refer to the contents .xx80 file for a description of the 1980 data.

For variable information, consult the files /pub/census/.support/infofiles/3xptdd80.lst and /pub/census/.support/infofiles/3xpt80lc.lst

Note: There are no Standard Extract files for this database because the boundary layers are not available or the entire U.S. is not covered. One could try to match these data on the 1980 mcd and tract (m8_ and t8_) boundary files located in /pub/census/usa/tiger/xx/bna_st, (where xx represents the state postal codes), organized by state.

Spatial Coverage

Entire United States


SAS transport (.XPT)

Zip Equivalency Files

Census Block Level

The zip equivalency files contain a subset of population counts/housing units data derived from the STF3B header file including 5-digit zipcodes for each census block. These data files contain a POLID census block field that corresponds to the POLID of the Tiger-based boundary files at the census block level. The Tiger data can be found at /pub/census/usa/tiger/xx/bnablk (where xx represents the state postal codes).
directory path: /pub/census/usa/zipeq
The Geocorr search engine is an alternate way of accessing the data in the STF3B header file.

Census Blockgroup Level

These zip equivalency files contain data that has been aggregated from the census block level to the census blockgroup level and incude population centroids. The "POP" and "HUS" counts are summed for all census blocks belonging to the same blockgroup. These totals will be slightly different from the STF3A reported PERSONS count because of sample count weighting. Total metro, urban, and urbanized area populations are included based on the census block level. Population centroids for the blockgroups have been calculated, by "weighting" the census block spatial centroids with the population counts.
directory path: /pub/census/usa/zipeq/b2bg

Spatial Coverage

United States


Comma Separated Value (.CSV)
SAS Transport (.XPT)


Source code used to read the zip equivalency files:

Census Block Statistics Files

These data files contain population and housing data extracted from the 1990 STF1B database on CDROM. The population items include total population, age, race, and hispanic origin. The housing items include number of housing units, tenure, room density, mean contract rent, mean value, and mean number of rooms. Some data items are fairly limited in descriptive information. In addition, the records contain relevant information from geographic header records which includes land area, water area, centroids, MSA codes, place codes, and special area codes. These data files are identified as population census blocks (xblk). These files can be found in the state directories:
directory path: /pub/census/usa/stf/xx/csvblk (where xx represents the state postal codes)

Spatial Coverage

United States


Comma Separated Value (.CSV)

Summary Tape File STF1B 1990

These files contain 100 percent data with over 1100 variables consisting of population and housing items. The population information includes age, race, sex, marital status, hispanic origin, household type, and other demographic data. They are cross tabulated by age, race, sex, or hispanic origin. The housing information includes tenure, number of units, value, number of rooms per unit, and the use of the unit.

The data files are sub-divided by geographic levels: county, county subdivision, place-within-county, tract/bna (block numbering area), blockgroup, and block and organized by state.

directory path: /pub/census/usa/stf/xx/csvblk (where xx represents the state postal codes)
NOTE:The range of information for Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have been expanded to include three additional levels: cdrom/, extract/, and full/.

Spatial Coverage

United States


Comma Separated Value (.CSV)

Code - SAS program for the xblk and zblk files.

Supporting Documents

These files can be found in the /pub/census/.support/infofiles directory:

Enhanced Migration Files

The migration files are county to county migration data files organized by state which contain enhancements that involve separations of table matrices, the addition of multiple count fields for in and out moves on table matrices, and creation of a third file for net-migration flows. In all files, information about immigration and emmigration are stored on a single record for ease of processing.

The "p1" and "p2" files contain all the data from the original census STP28 files. The data in the p1 files are extracted by race while the p2 files provide data based on hispanic origin. The p1 and p2 files have been improved by creating two count fields per record in place of one: the POPIN field contains person counts moving into the county (COUNTY) from another county (COUNTY2), while the POPOUT field contains person counts moving in the opposite direction. Both county codes appear in each record to make processing easier for subsetting the files.

The total flows (tf) state level file contains "total flows" of persons for all states (into the county, out of the county, and within county moves). These flows are reported for all counties within a state, and all counties outside of the state which were sources or destinations of moves involving the state of interest. This file was created by aggregating the more detailed data in the p1 file.

The interstate migration (im) files were created in order to generate the total flows (tf) files. The "im" files contain all migration from a state of interest to all other states.

directory path: /pub/census/usa/stp


United States


ASCII text


Macro that reads the county to county special migration files and converts the raw files to 3 SAS data sets: a total population flow, and p1 and p2 files (see file


The suggested citation for this web site:

Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). Integrated Population, Land Use, and Emissions Data Project (PLUE). Palisades, NY: CIESIN, Columbia University. Available at

The suggested citation for ACRP data products:

Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN). 1996. Archive of Census Related Products (ACRP): data set name. Saginaw, MI: CIESIN. Available at:


The ACRP archive was developed in 1996 through the collaborative efforts of John Blodgett, Urban Information Center/Office of Computing, University of Missouri, and Henk Meij of CIESIN.

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