MVA Home Page

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Climate Change Integrated Assessment Modeling:
The Model Visualization and Analysis Service

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Welcome to the home page for the Model Visualization and Analysis service (MVA), developed by the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). MVA provides background information on the use of integrated assessment to examine the relationship between human activities and global climate change, descriptions of integrated assessment models (IAMs), and access to model-generated output.

IAMs Defined
--tools for the joint assessment of:
  • the social and economic factors that drive greenhouse gas emissions;
  • the effects of greenhouse gas emissions on the global biosphere and climate; and, in turn
  • the effects of changes in the biosphere and climate on economies and societies.
  • For more information, see: Ten Things to Know About IAMs.

    Purpose of MVA
    --to support and enhance the use of climate change IAMs by:
  • decision makers
  • researchers
  • analysts
  • educators
  • the public
  • Thematic Guide to Integrated Assessment Modeling

    Thematic Guide
    --presents a detailed and relatively non-technical discussion of integrated assessment and the evolution of integrated assessment modeling, and describes many of the current integrated assessment modeling activities.
  • Thematic Guide Overview
  • Usage Guide
  • mva
    Model Guides
    --supply information and documentation about specific IAMs based on material provided by their developers:
  • Integrated Model to Assess the Greenhouse Effect (IMAGE 2.0)
  • Mini Climate Change Assessment Model (MiniCAM)
  • mva

    Visualization and Analysis
    --allow online viewing, exploration, and work with data from precomputed model runs for the IAMs documented in the model guides and with data from the Energy Modeling Forum:
  • Integrated Model to Assess the Greenhouse Effect (IMAGE 2.0)
  • Mini Climate Change Assessment Model (MiniCAM)
  • Energy Modeling Forum 12
  • Fast Track--Sample outputs from MVA.

  • Frequently Asked Questions--Have a question? Perhaps it's been asked (and answered) before.
    Glossary--Definitions of important terms in integrated assessment modeling.
    EOS Data--The use of Earth Observing System and other satellite data in integrated assessment models of climate change.
    Model Comparison--Comparing integrated assessment models and their results.


    For more information contact CIESIN User Services: e-mail:; Tel: 1-517-797-2727.

    mvas-home.htmlpp Version 1.22. Last updated 06/03 1997.