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Confidentiality Issues in Geospatial Data Applications



This Web site promotes awareness of confidentiality and privacy issues related to the integration of geo-referenced data from the natural, social, and public health sciences. It provides access to resources that analyze these issues and that offer concrete tools, techniques, and policies for safeguarding confidential information.

This Web site is intended for natural, social, and public health scientists, educators, data managers, and decision makers who use and disseminate geospatial data, especially remote sensing data.


In the Spotlight
Report: "Putting People on the Map: Protecting Confidentiality with Linked Social-Spatial Data"

PNAS Paper: “Confidentiality and Spatially Explicit Data: Concerns and Challenges”
Also at PNAS...

Report:  “Confidentiality Issues and Policies Related to the Utilization and Dissemination of Geospatial Data for Public Health Applications”


Committees, Panels, and Workgroups

Past Conferences and Workshops

This work has been supported by the Public Health Applications Program of the NASA Applied Sciences Directorate.

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